stand-up comedyとは? わかりやすく解説

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スタンダップ‐コメディー【stand-up comedy】




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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/04/04 03:48 UTC 版)

スタンダップコメディ(英:Stand-up comedy)とは、英語圏でコメディアンが観衆の目前で演じるコメディ(即興話芸)の一つ。スタンダップコミックや単にコミックスタンドアップと呼ばれることもある[1]。マイクを片手に、立ちながら喋ることからそのように呼ばれるが、必ずしも立ったままで喋るとは限らない [2] [3] [4][5] [6] [7]

  1. ^ Fisher, J Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing ISBN 978-0-00-721511-9
  2. ^ Wayne Federman (9 July 2019). "S2 Ep. 06: Meltdown". The History of Standup (Podcast). Dana Gould. The Podglomerate. 該当時間: 21:40-21:54. 2019年8月27日閲覧A low ceiling and proximity to the stage is important because standup comedy is not a performance. It is a conversation in which the comedian does all of the talking.
  3. ^ Morris, Andrea (2018年7月26日). “A Robot Stand-Up Comedian Learns The Nuts And Bolts Of Comedy”. Forbes. Forbes Media LLC.. 2019年3月25日閲覧。 “[A lot of] stand-up comedy…as a general art form…is pre-scripted”
  4. ^ a b Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. p. 16. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. "Jerry Seinfeld explains: ‘Comedy is a dialogue, not a monologue—that’s what makes an act click. The laughter becomes the audience’s part, and the comedian responds’" 
  5. ^ Stewart Lee (3 July 2013). On Not Writing (Lecture) (YouTube) (English). St Edmund Hall: University of Oxford. 該当時間: 48:54-48:58. 2019年2月13日閲覧On the whole, you have to give the illusion that it’s a dialogue
  6. ^ Dean, Greg (2000). Step by Step to Stand-up Comedy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. p. 190. ISBN 0-325-00179-0 
  7. ^ Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. p. 90. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. "A comic's material about his life may have some connection to reality, but basically an act is just that, an act—it’s a fictionalized account with a few actual facts thrown in to make the act believable and, perhaps, more relevant to people’s lives." 
  8. ^ Martin, Steve (2007). Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life. New York: Scribner. pp. 40–42. ISBN 978-1-4165-5364-9. "I was demonstrating tricks eight to twelve hours a day" 
  9. ^ Ajaye, Franklyn (2002). Comic Insights: The Art of Stand-up Comedy. Jerry Seinfeld. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press. pp. 199. ISBN 1-879505-54-1. "That’s the goal—to become yourself." 
  10. ^ Mendrinos, James (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Comedy. NY, New York: ALPHA: A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.. p. 12. ISBN 1-59257-231-6 
  11. ^ Munro, David (2018年). “The Art of the Joke”. CRAFTSMANSHIP Quarterly: The Architecture of Excellence. The Craftsmanship Initiative. 2019年3月10日閲覧。
  12. ^ Evans, Bradford (2012年8月7日). “Stand-Up Comedians and Their Alternate On-Stage Personas”. Vulture: Devouring Culture. NEW YORK MEDIA LLC.. 2019年3月15日閲覧。
  13. ^ Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. pp. 90–91]. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. "[A stand-up’s] act [is a] fictionalized account with a few actual facts thrown in to make the act believable and, perhaps more relevant to people’s lives...Every stand-up goes onstage as a character to some extent. Some may adopt a persona that’s very similar to their own personality, but it’s still a separate entity...even observational comics...use a foundation on which to build jokes by taking the truth to its farthest [sic] extreme." 
  14. ^ Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. p. 262. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. "(loosely) autobiographical comedy is the dominant form of stand-up today." 
  15. ^ Ajaye, Franklyn (2002). Comic Insights: The Art of Stand-up Comedy. Gary Shandling. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press. pp. 209. ISBN 1-879505-54-1. "I [Gary Shandling] think you can only be on stage what you are in real life." 
  16. ^ Katzif, Mike (2018年11月16日). “Mo Amer: Working The Classroom Comedy Circuit”. NPR. 2019年9月11日閲覧. "[I]f you're not real…people will sniff that out." 
  17. ^ Fearless delivery sets Will Ferrell apart. The Denver Post, 24 June 2005. Accessed on 29 March 2010.
  18. ^ Ajaye, Franklyn (2002). Comic Insights: The Art of Stand-up Comedy. George Wallace. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press. pp. 240. ISBN 1-879505-54-1. "How did you answer them? 'By being George Wallace, and finding out who you are as a comedian. And that takes between seven and eleven years.'" 
  19. ^ Ajaye, Franklyn (2002). Comic Insights: The Art of Stand-up Comedy. Jerry Seinfeld. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press. pp. 200. ISBN 1-879505-54-1. "How long did it take you to figure out your individual comedic essence? 'I'd [Jerry Seinfeld] say ten years.'" 
  20. ^ Louis C.K., Charlie Rose (7 May 2014). Louis C.K. (Interview) (TV Show) (English). HBO. 該当時間: 3:59-4:03. 2019年2月3日閲覧A stage presence comes pretty quickly [but] how to write jokes and how to generate material and know it’s going to work; [concerning these, the] first ten years are building the [base] skills


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