SACOGLOSSAとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/07/31 19:52 UTC 版)

嚢舌目(のうぜつもく)は、摂食器官の形態によって区別される腹足綱(巻貝)のグループ。藻類の細胞壁に穴を空けて、細胞内容物を吸引して摂食する。そのために、単列の歯舌とそれを収納する舌嚢と呼ばれる器官をもつ[2]。一部の種は、摂食した藻類の葉緑体を腸壁の細胞に取り込み、光合成をさせ栄養を得る [3]

  1. ^ Jensen, Kathe R. (1997). “Evolution of the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) and the ecological associations with their food plants”. Evolutionary Ecology 11 (3): 301–335. doi:10.1023/A:1018468420368. ISSN 0269-7653. 
  2. ^ Jensen(1997)Evolution of the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) and the ecological associations with their food plants, EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY Volume 11, Number 3 (1997), 301-335
  3. ^ Trench R, Greene R, Bystrom B (1969) Chloroplasts as functional organelles in animal tissues. Journal of Cell Biology 42: 404-417.
  4. ^ Jensen(1997)Evolution of the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) and the ecological associations with their food plants, EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY Volume 11, Number 3 (1997), 301-335
  5. ^ 平野義明(2000) 『ウミウシ学』東海大学出版会
  6. ^ Jensen(1997)Evolution of the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) and the ecological associations with their food plants, EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY Volume 11, Number 3 (1997), 301-335
  7. ^ Maeda T, Kajita T, Maruyama T, Hirano Y (2010) Molecular phylogeny of the sacoglossa, with a discussion of gain and loss of kleptoplasty in the evolution of the group. Biol Bull 219: 17-26
  8. ^ Händeler K, Wägele H (2007) Preliminary study on molecular phylogeny of Sacoglossa and a compilation of their food organisms. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 55: 231-254.
  9. ^ Yamamoto Y, Yusa Y, Yamamoto S, Hirano Y, Motomura T, et al. (2009) Identification of photosynthetic sacoglossans from Japan. Endocytobiosis Cell Res 19: 112-119.
  10. ^ Trowbridge CT, C. D., Hirano YM, Hirano YJ (2011) Inventory of Japanese sacoglossan opisthobranchs: Historical review, current records, and unresolved issues. American Malacological Bulletin 29: 1-22


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