G因子 (計量心理学)とは? わかりやすく解説

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G因子 (計量心理学)

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g因子(ジーいんし、: G factor)(別名: 一般知能一般知能因子)とは、心理測定英語版による認知能力と人間の知能の研究で開発された構成概念である。g因子は、異なる認知課題間の正の相関をまとめた変数であり、ある個人のある種の認知課題におけるパフォーマンスが、その人の他の種類の認知課題におけるパフォーマンスと同等になる傾向があるという事実を反映している[要出典]。g因子は通常、特定の認知テスト英語版における個人間のパフォーマンスの差異の40〜50%を説明し、多くのテストに基づく複合スコア(「IQスコア」)は、しばしば個人のg因子の位置づけの推定値とみなされる[1]IQ、一般知能、一般認知能力、一般精神能力、単に「知能」という用語は、認知テストに共通するこのコアを指すためによく同義的に使用される[2]。しかし、g因子自体は、認知課題間に観察される相関の水準を示す数学的構成概念である[3]。この構成概念の測定値は、使用される認知課題に依存し、観察された相関の根本的な原因についてはほとんど知られていない。

  1. ^ a b Kamphaus et al. 2005
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Deary et al. 2010
  3. ^ Schlinger, Henry D. (2003). "The myth of intelligence". The Psychological Record. 53 (1): 15–32.
  4. ^ THOMSON, GODFREY H. (September 1916). "A Hierarchy Without a General Factor1". British Journal of Psychology (英語). 8 (3): 271–281. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1916.tb00133.x. ISSN 0950-5652
  5. ^ Jensen 1998, 545
  6. ^ a b Warne, Russell T.; Burningham, Cassidy (2019). "Spearman's g found in 31 non-Western nations: Strong evidence that g is a universal phenomenon". Psychological Bulletin. 145 (3): 237–272. doi:10.1037/bul0000184. PMID 30640496. S2CID 58625266
  7. ^ Jensen 1998, 24より改変。この相関行列はもともとSpearman 1904で公表され、イギリスの子供たちのサンプルの学校でのパフォーマンスに基づいている。この分析は歴史的に重要で、大きな影響を与えてきたが、現代の技術基準を満たしていない。スピアマンの方法論の議論については、Mackintosh 2011, 44以降およびHorn & McArdle 2007を参照。
  8. ^ Chabris 2007, 表19.1より改変。
  9. ^ Gottfredson 1998
  10. ^ Deary, I. J. (2001). Intelligence. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. p. 12. ISBN 9780192893215
  11. ^ Spearman 1904
  12. ^ Deary 2000, 6
  13. ^ a b c d Jensen 1992
  14. ^ Jensen 1998, 28
  15. ^ a b c d van deer Maas et al. 2006
  16. ^ Jensen 1998, 26, 36–39
  17. ^ Jensen 1998, 26, 36–39, 89–90
  18. ^ a b Jensen 2002
  19. ^ a b Floyd et al. 2009
  20. ^ a b Jensen 1980, 213
  21. ^ Jensen 1998, 94
  22. ^ a b Hunt 2011, 9
  23. ^ Jensen 1998, 18–19, 35–36, 38. 一般的で単一の精神能力という考えは、19世紀後半にハーバート・スペンサーフランシス・ゴルトンによって心理学に導入されたが、彼らの研究は主に推測的なものであり、経験的根拠に乏しかった。
  24. ^ Jensen 1998, 91–92, 95
  25. ^ Jensen 2000
  26. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 157
  27. ^ Jensen 1998, 117
  28. ^ Bartholomew et al. 2009
  29. ^ Jensen 1998, 120
  30. ^ a b c Horn & McArdle 2007
  31. ^ Jensen 1998, 120–121
  32. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 157–158
  33. ^ a b Rushton & Jensen 2010
  34. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 44–45
  35. ^ McFarland, Dennis J. (2012). "A single g factor is not necessary to simulate positive correlations between cognitive tests". Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 34 (4): 378–384. doi:10.1080/13803395.2011.645018. ISSN 1744-411X. PMID 22260190. S2CID 4694545. 多様な認知テストが正の相関を示す傾向があることは、単一の一般的能力または「g」因子の証拠とみなされてきた...多様な認知テスト間の相関に正の多様体が存在することは、一般的能力の単一因子モデルと複数因子モデルのどちらに対しても異なる支持を提供しない。
  36. ^ Jensen 1998, 18, 31–32
  37. ^ a b c Carroll 1995
  38. ^ a b Jensen 1982
  39. ^ Jensen 1998, 73
  40. ^ a b c d Deary 2012
  41. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 57
  42. ^ Jensen 1998, 46
  43. ^ Carroll 1997. 総共通因子分散は、g因子と群因子による分散を合わせたものである。共通因子で説明されない分散は、独自性と呼ばれ、下位検査固有の分散と測定誤差で構成される。
  44. ^ a b c d Davidson & Kemp 2011
  45. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 151
  46. ^ Jensen 1998, 31
  47. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 151–153
  48. ^ a b McGrew 2005
  49. ^ Kvist & Gustafsson 2008
  50. ^ Johnson et al. 2004
  51. ^ Johnson et al. 2008
  52. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 150–153. CAS英語版WJ III英語版のテストバッテリーからのg因子が統計的に区別できないことが示されたKeith et al. 2001や、ASVAB英語版バッテリーと認知成分ベースのテストのバッテリーで同様の結果が示されたStauffer et al. 1996も参照。
  53. ^ G factor: Issue of design and interpretation”. 2024年3月16日閲覧。
  54. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry; Reynolds, Matthew R.; Liu, Xin; Kaufman, Alan S.; McGrew, Kevin S. (2012). "Are cognitive g and academic achievement g one and the same g? An exploration on the Woodcock–Johnson and Kaufman tests". Intelligence. 40 (2): 123–138. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2012.01.009
  55. ^ Jensen 1998, 88, 101–103
  56. ^ Spearman, C. (1927). The abilities of man. New York: MacMillan.
  57. ^ Detterman, D.K.; Daniel, M.H. (1989). "Correlations of mental tests with each other and with cognitive variables are highest for low IQ groups". Intelligence. 13 (4): 349–359. doi:10.1016/s0160-2896(89)80007-8
  58. ^ Deary & Pagliari 1991
  59. ^ a b Deary et al. 1996
  60. ^ a b Tucker-Drob 2009
  61. ^ Blum, D.; Holling, H. (2017). "Spearman's Law of Diminishing Returns. A meta-analysis". Intelligence. 65: 60–66. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2017.07.004
  62. ^ Kell, Harrison J.; Lang, Jonas W. B. (September 2018). "The Great Debate: General Ability and Specific Abilities in the Prediction of Important Outcomes". Journal of Intelligence. 6 (3): 39. doi:10.3390/jintelligence6030039. PMC 6480721. PMID 31162466
  63. ^ Neubauer, Aljoscha C.; Opriessnig, Sylvia (January 2014). "The Development of Talent and Excellence - Do Not Dismiss Psychometric Intelligence, the (Potentially) Most Powerful Predictor". Talent Development & Excellence. 6 (2): 1–15.
  64. ^ a b c Jensen 1998, 270
  65. ^ Gottfredson 2002
  66. ^ Coyle, Thomas R. (September 2018). "Non-g Factors Predict Educational and Occupational Criteria: More than g". Journal of Intelligence. 6 (3): 43. doi:10.3390/jintelligence6030043. PMC 6480787. PMID 31162470
  67. ^ Ziegler, Matthias; Peikert, Aaron (September 2018). "How Specific Abilities Might Throw 'g' a Curve: An Idea on How to Capitalize on the Predictive Validity of Specific Cognitive Abilities". Journal of Intelligence. 6 (3): 41. doi:10.3390/jintelligence6030041. PMC 6480727. PMID 31162468
  68. ^ Kell, Harrison J.; Lang, Jonas W. B. (April 2017). "Specific Abilities in the Workplace: More Important Than g?". Journal of Intelligence. 5 (2): 13. doi:10.3390/jintelligence5020013. PMC 6526462. PMID 31162404
  69. ^ a b Sackett et al. 2008
  70. ^ Jensen 1998, 272, 301
  71. ^ Jensen 1998, 279–280
  72. ^ Jensen 1998, 279
  73. ^ a b Brody 2006
  74. ^ Frey & Detterman 2004
  75. ^ a b Schmidt & Hunter 2004
  76. ^ Jensen 1998, 292–293
  77. ^ Schmidt & Hunter 2004. これらの妥当性係数は、従属変数(すなわち、職務または訓練のパフォーマンス)の測定誤差と範囲制限について修正されているが、独立変数(すなわち、gの尺度)の測定誤差については修正されていない。
  78. ^ O'Boyle Jr., E. H.; Humphrey, R. H.; Pollack, J. M.; Hawver, T. H.; Story, P. A. (2011). "The relation between emotional intelligence and job performance: A meta-analysis". Journal of Organizational Behavior. 32 (5): 788–818. doi:10.1002/job.714. S2CID 6010387
  79. ^ Côté, Stéphane; Miners, Christopher (2006). "Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Intelligence and Job Performance". Administrative Science Quarterly. 51: 1–28. doi:10.2189/asqu.51.1.1. S2CID 142971341
  80. ^ Ghiselli, E. E. (1973). "The validity of aptitude tests in personnel selection". Personnel Psychology. 26 (4): 461–477. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.1973.tb01150.x
  81. ^ a b Vinchur, Andrew J.; Schippmann, Jeffery S.; S., Fred; Switzer, III; Roth, Philip L. (1998). "A meta-analytic review of predictors of job performance for salespeople". Journal of Applied Psychology. 83 (4): 586–597. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.83.4.586. S2CID 19093290
  82. ^ Hunter, John E.; Hunter, Ronda F. (1984). "Validity and utility of alternative predictors of job performance". Psychological Bulletin (アメリカ英語). 96 (1): 72–98. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.96.1.72. S2CID 26858912
  83. ^ Gottfredson, L. S. (1991). "The evaluation of alternative measures of job performance". Performance Assessment for the Workplace: 75–126.
  84. ^ Murphy, Kevin R.; Balzer, William K. (1986). "Systematic distortions in memory-based behavior ratings and performance evaluations: Consequences for rating accuracy". Journal of Applied Psychology. 71 (1): 39–44. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.71.1.39
  85. ^ Hosoda, Megumi; Stone-Romero, Eugene F.; Coats, Gwen (1 June 2003). "The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Job-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies". Personnel Psychology (英語). 56 (2): 431–462. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2003.tb00157.x. ISSN 1744-6570
  86. ^ Stauffer, Joseph M.; Buckley, M. Ronald (2005). "The Existence and Nature of Racial Bias in Supervisory Ratings". Journal of Applied Psychology. 90 (3): 586–591. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.90.3.586. PMID 15910152
  87. ^ Schmidt, Frank L. (1 April 2002). "The Role of General Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Why There Cannot Be a Debate". Human Performance. 15 (1–2): 187–210. doi:10.1080/08959285.2002.9668091. ISSN 0895-9285. S2CID 214650608
  88. ^ Schmidt, Frank L.; Hunter, John E. (1998). "The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings". Psychological Bulletin. 124 (2): 262–274. CiteSeerX doi:10.1037/0033-2909.124.2.262. S2CID 16429503
  89. ^ Roth, Philip L.; Bevier, Craig A.; Bobko, Philip; Switzer, Fred S.; Tyler, Peggy (1 June 2001). "Ethnic Group Differences in Cognitive Ability in Employment and Educational Settings: A Meta-Analysis". Personnel Psychology (英語). 54 (2): 297–330. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2001.tb00094.x. ISSN 1744-6570
  90. ^ Viswesvaran, Chockalingam; Ones, Deniz S.; Schmidt, Frank L. (1996). "Comparative analysis of the reliability of job performance ratings". Journal of Applied Psychology. 81 (5): 557–574. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.81.5.557
  91. ^ Hunter, J. E.; Schmidt, F. L.; Le, H (2006). "Implications of direct and indirect range restriction for meta-analysis methods and findings". Journal of Applied Psychology. 91 (3): 594–612. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.91.3.594. PMID 16737357. S2CID 14897081
  92. ^ Jensen 1998, 568
  93. ^ Jensen 1998, 271
  94. ^ Gottfredson 2007
  95. ^ Kanazawa, Satoshi (2004). "General Intelligence as a Domain-Specific Adaptation". Psychological Review英語版. American Psychological Association. 111 (2): 512–523. doi:10.1037/0033-295X.111.2.512. PMID 15065920
  96. ^ Kanazawa, Satoshi (16 February 2010). "Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent". Social Psychology Quarterly. 73 (1): 33–57. CiteSeerX doi:10.1177/0190272510361602. ISSN 0190-2725. S2CID 2642312
  97. ^ Kanazawa, Satoshi (May–June 2010). "Evolutionary Psychology and Intelligence Research" (PDF). American Psychologist英語版. 65 (4): 279–289. doi:10.1037/a0019378. PMID 20455621. 2018年2月16日閲覧
  98. ^ Borsboom, Denny; Dolan, Conor V. (2006). "Why g is not an adaptation: a comment on Kanazawa (2004)". Psychological Review英語版. 113 (2): 433–437. doi:10.1037/0033-295X.113.2.433. PMID 16637768
  99. ^ Cosmides, Leda; Tooby, John (1995) [1992]. "3. Cognitive Adaptations for Social Exchange". In Barkow, Jerome H.; Cosmides, Leda; Tooby, John (eds.). The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 179–206. ISBN 978-0195101072
  100. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry; DeYoung, Colin G.; Reis, Deidre L.; Gray, Jeremy R. (May–June 2010). "General intelligence predicts reasoning ability even for evolutionarily familiar content" (PDF). Intelligence英語版. 39 (5): 311–322. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.05.002. 2018年2月16日閲覧
  101. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry (2 July 2011). "Is General Intelligence Compatible with Evolutionary Psychology?". Psychology Today英語版. Sussex Publishers. 2018年2月16日閲覧
  102. ^ Plomin, Robert; Spinath, Frank M. (April 2002). "Genetics and general cognitive ability (g)". Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 6 (4): 169–176. doi:10.1016/s1364-6613(00)01853-2. ISSN 1364-6613. PMID 11912040. S2CID 17720084
  103. ^ Deary et al. 2006
  104. ^ a b c Plomin & Spinath 2004
  105. ^ Haworth et al. 2010
  106. ^ Visscher, Peter M.; Hill, William G.; Wray, Naomi R. (April 2008). "Heritability in the genomics era — concepts and misconceptions". Nature Reviews Genetics (英語). 9 (4): 255–266. doi:10.1038/nrg2322. ISSN 1471-0064. PMID 18319743. S2CID 690431
  107. ^ Turkheimer, Eric; Haley, Andreana; Waldron, Mary; D'Onofrio, Brian; Gottesman, Irving I. (November 2003). "Socioeconomic Status Modifies Heritability of IQ in Young Children". Psychological Science (英語). 14 (6): 623–628. doi:10.1046/j.0956-7976.2003.psci_1475.x. ISSN 0956-7976. PMID 14629696. S2CID 11265284
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  109. ^ Kovas & Plomin 2006
  110. ^ a b Penke et al. 2007
  111. ^ a b Chabris et al. 2012
  112. ^ Plomin 2003
  113. ^ Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2005). Problems with the method of correlated vectors. Intelligence, 33(4), 431–444.
  114. ^ a b c d e Dickens, William T.; Flynn, James R. (2006). "Black Americans Reduce the Racial IQ Gap: Evidence from Standardization Samples" (PDF). Psychological Science. 17 (10): 913–920. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2006.01802.x. PMID 17100793. S2CID 6593169
  115. ^ Flynn, J. R. (2010). The spectacles through which I see the race and IQ debate. Intelligence, 38(4), 363–366.
  116. ^ Jensen 1998, 189–197
  117. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 134–138
  118. ^ a b Chabris 2007
  119. ^ Reader, S. M.; Hager, Y.; Laland, K. N. (2011). "The evolution of primate general and cultural intelligence". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 366 (1567): 1017–1027. doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0342. PMC 3049098. PMID 21357224
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  122. ^ Poirier, Marc-Antoine; Kozlovsky, Dovid Y.; Morand-Ferron, Julie; Careau, Vincent (9 December 2020). "How general is cognitive ability in non-human animals? A meta-analytical and multi-level reanalysis approach". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 287 (1940): 20201853. doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.1853. PMC 7739923. PMID 33290683
  123. ^ Anderson, B. (2000). The g factor in non-human animals. The nature of intelligence, (285), 79.
  124. ^ Woolley, Anita Williams; Chabris, Christopher F.; Pentland, Alex; Hashmi, Nada; Malone, Thomas W. (29 October 2010). "Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups". Science (英語). 330 (6004): 686–688. Bibcode:2010Sci...330..686W. doi:10.1126/science.1193147. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 20929725. S2CID 74579
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  126. ^ Jensen 1998, 146, 149–150
  127. ^ Jensen 1998, 87–88
  128. ^ Hunt, Earl B. (2010). Human Intelligence. Cambridge University Press. pp. 378–379. ISBN 978-1139495110
  129. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 360–373
  130. ^ Nisbett, Richard E.; Aronson, Joshua; Blair, Clancy; Dickens, William; Flynn, James; Halpern, Diane F.; Turkheimer, Eric (2012). "Group differences in IQ are best understood as environmental in origin" (PDF). American Psychologist. 67 (6): 503–504. doi:10.1037/a0029772. ISSN 0003-066X. PMID 22963427. 2013年7月22日閲覧
  131. ^ Jensen 1998, 369–399
  132. ^ Schönemann, Peter (1997). "Famous artefacts: Spearman's hypothesis". Current Psychology of Cognition. 16 (6): 665–694.
  133. ^ Schönemann, Peter H. (1 May 1989). "Some new results on the Spearman hypothesis artifact". Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society (英語). 27 (5): 462–464. doi:10.3758/BF03334656. ISSN 0090-5054
  134. ^ Hunt 2011, 421
  135. ^ Lynn 2003
  136. ^ Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.; Bates, Timothy C. (February 2016). "Large Cross-National Differences in Gene x Socioeconomic Status Interaction on Intelligence". Psychological Science. 27 (2): 138–149. doi:10.1177/0956797615612727. ISSN 0956-7976. PMC 4749462. PMID 26671911
  137. ^ Kamin, Leon J. (1 March 2006). "African IQ and Mental Retardation". South African Journal of Psychology (英語). 36 (1): 1–9. doi:10.1177/008124630603600101. ISSN 0081-2463. S2CID 92984213
  138. ^ Shuttleworth-Edwards, Ann B.; Van der Merwe, Adele S. (2002). "WAIS-III and WISC-IV South African Cross-Cultural Normative Data Stratified for Quality of Education". In Ferraro, F. Richard (ed.). Minority and cross-cultural aspects of neuropsychological assessment. Exton, PA: Swets & Zeitlinger. pp. 72–75. ISBN 9026518307
  139. ^ Case for Non-Biased Intelligence Testing Against Black Africans Has Not Been Made: A Comment on Rushton, Skuy, and Bons (2004) 1*, Leah K. Hamilton1, Betty R. Onyura1 and Andrew S. Winston International Journal of Selection and Assessment Volume 14 Issue 3 Page 278 - September 2006
  140. ^ Culture-Fair Cognitive Ability Assessment Steven P. Verney Assessment, Vol. 12, No. 3, 303-319 (2005)
  141. ^ The attack of the psychometricians Archived 2007-06-08 at the Wayback Machine.. DENNY BORSBOOM. PSYCHOMETRIKA VOL 71, NO 3, 425–440. SEPTEMBER 2006.
  142. ^ Jensen 1998, 213
  143. ^ Ackerman et al. 2005
  144. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 158
  145. ^ a b Weinberg 1989
  146. ^ Lautrey 2002
  147. ^ Humphreys et al. 1985
  148. ^ Stanek, Kevin C.; Ones, Deniz S. (6 June 2023). "Meta-analytic relations between personality and cognitive ability". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (英語). 120 (23): e2212794120. Bibcode:2023PNAS..12012794S. doi:10.1073/pnas.2212794120. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 10266031. PMID 37252971
  149. ^ Stanek, Kevin; Ones, Deniz (20 November 2023). Of Anchors & Sails: Personality-Ability Trait Constellations. University of Minnesota. doi:10.24926/9781946135988. ISBN 978-1-946135-98-8. S2CID 265335858 {{cite book}}: |s2cid=の値が不正です。 (説明)
  150. ^ von Stumm et al. 2011
  151. ^ von Stumm et al. 2009
  152. ^ Stanek, Kevin C.; Ones, Deniz S. (20 November 2023). Our Constellations. A Primer for "Of Anchors & Sails: Personality-ability trait constellations". United States of America: Pleiades Press.
  153. ^ Jensen 1998, 577
  154. ^ Eysenck 1995
  155. ^ Lubinski 2009
  156. ^ Robertson et al. 2010
  157. ^ Helms, Janet E. (June 2012). "A Legacy of Eugenics Underlies Racial-Group Comparisons in Intelligence Testing". Industrial and Organizational Psychology (英語). 5 (2): 176–179. doi:10.1111/j.1754-9434.2012.01426.x. ISSN 1754-9426. S2CID 145700200
  158. ^ Graves, Joseph L.; Johnson, Amanda (1995). "The Pseudoscience of Psychometry and the Bell Curve". The Journal of Negro Education (英語). 64 (3): 277–294. doi:10.2307/2967209. JSTOR 2967209. 2022年10月23日閲覧
  159. ^ Wintroub, Michael (2020). "Sordid genealogies: a conjectural history of Cambridge Analytica's eugenic roots". Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (英語). 7 (1): 41. doi:10.1057/s41599-020-0505-5. ISSN 2662-9992. S2CID 220611772
  160. ^ Graves, Joseph L.; Johnson, Amanda (1995). "The Pseudoscience of Psychometry and The Bell Curve". The Journal of Negro Education英語版. 64 (3): 277–294. doi:10.2307/2967209. JSTOR 2967209
  161. ^ Blum, Jeffrey M. (1978). Pseudoscience and Mental Ability: The Origins and Fallacies of the IQ Controversy (英語). Monthly Review Press, 62 West 14th Street, New York, New York 10011 ($13.
  162. ^ Jensen 1998, 122–123
  163. ^ Sternberg et al. 1981
  164. ^ Jensen 1998, 123
  165. ^ Jensen 1998, 124
  166. ^ Jensen 1998, 125
  167. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 152–153
  168. ^ Jensen 1998, 77–78, 115–117
  169. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 52, 239
  170. ^ Jensen 1998, 128–132
  171. ^ Deary 2001, 15–16
  172. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 236–237
  173. ^ Hunt 2011, 120–130
  174. ^ Mackintosh 2011, 223–235
  175. ^ Flynn 2011
  176. ^ Gould, Stephen Jay (1981). The Mismeasure of Man. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. p. 273. OCLC 470800842
  177. ^ Burt, Cyril (1972). "Inheritance of general intelligence". American Psychologist (英語). 27 (3): 188. doi:10.1037/h0033789. ISSN 1935-990X. PMID 5009980

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