西の壁とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/10 13:41 UTC 版)

嘆きの壁(なげきのかべ、ヘブライ語: הכותל המערבי‎、アラビア語: حائط البراق‎)は、ヘロデ大王時代のエルサレム神殿の外壁のうち、現存する部分。神殿はユダヤ教で最も神聖な建物であった。

  1. ^ 英: western wall of the Temple
  2. ^ a b Halkin, Hillel (2001年1月12日). ““Western Wall” or “Wailing Wall”?”. Jewish Virtual Library. 2009年12月22日閲覧。
  3. ^ 英: wailing place of the Jews、仏: Mur des Lamentations、独: Klagemauer
  4. ^ Barclay, James Turner (1858). “Modern Jerusalem”. City of the Great King. Challen. pp. g.493 
  5. ^ Warner, Charles Dudley (1878). “Jerusalem”. In the Levant. Houghton. pp. g.45 
  6. ^ Becher, Mordechai (2005). “The Land of Israel”. Gateway to Judaism. Mesorah Publications. pp. g.265. ISBN 1422600300 
  7. ^ 英: Iron Gate
  8. ^ 英: Little Western Wall
  9. ^ The Story of the Kotel:Facts and Figures”. The Western Wall Heritage Foundation. 2007年12月9日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年12月22日閲覧。
  10. ^ Friedman, Thomas L. (1985年12月1日). “Quarrying History in Jerusalem”. New York Times. 2009年12月22日閲覧。 “Herod the Great certainly used it as the main quarry for building blocks needed to renovate the Temple and its retaining walls, including what is known today as the Wailing Wall.”
  11. ^ Lefkovits, Etgar (2007年9月12日). “Archeologists find 2nd Temple quarry”. en:Jerusalem Post. 2009年12月22日閲覧。 “An ancient quarry where King Herod's workers chiseled huge high-quality limestones for the construction of the Second Temple, including the Western Wall, has been uncovered in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Sunday(...)Dozens of quarries have previously been uncovered in Jerusalem - including ones larger than the present find - but this is the first one that archeologists have found which they believe was used in the construction of the Temple Mount itself.”
  12. ^ 英: Wilson’s Arch
  13. ^ 英: Western Stone
  14. ^ Ben Dov, Meir; Naor, Mordechai;Aner, Ze'ev (1983). “II:Architecture and Archaeology”. The Western Wall. en:Israel: Ministry of Defence Publishing House. pp. g.41–62. ISBN 965-05-0055-3 
  15. ^ Horovitz, Ahron (2001). Jerusalem:Footsteps Through Time. en:Jerusalem: en:Feldheim 
  16. ^ After Paris massacre, the world turns blue, white and red for Franceattacks”. CNN. 2015年11月20日閲覧。


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