玉座のナポレオンとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/11/30 04:47 UTC 版)

玉座のナポレオン』(ぎょくざのナポレオン、: Napoléon Ier sur le trône impérial)は、フランスの画家ドミニク・アングルが、戴冠式の衣装を着けたナポレオン1世を描いた肖像画。

  1. ^ Sébastien Allard, note 8 in the catalogue of the exhibition Portraits Publics, Portraits Privés, Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, 2006-2007.
  2. ^ D. Ternois (1980) Ingres p.18
  3. ^ R. Rosenblum (1986) Ingres, p.68
  4. ^ Pierre-Jean-Baptiste Chaussard,, Le Pausanias Français, État des arts du dessin en France à l'ouverture du XIX° siècle, Salon de 1806, p. 177-180 - Quoted and translated in Tinterow, Conisbee et al. 1999, p. 70.
  5. ^ D.Ternois (1980) op. cit. p.17
  6. ^ Tinterow, Gary; Conisbee, Philip, et al. (1999). Portraits by Ingres: Image of an Epoch. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. ISBN 0-300-08653-9, p 68
  7. ^ Arikha, Avigdor (1986). J.A.D. Ingres: Fifty Life Drawings from the Musée Ingres at Montauban. Houston: The Museum of Fine Arts. ISBN 0-89090-036-1, p. 103"
  8. ^ Condon, Patricia, et al. (1983). In Pursuit of Perfection: The Art of J.-A.-D. Ingres. Louisville: The J. B. Speed Art Museum. ISBN 0-9612276-0-5, p. 13.
  9. ^ Tinterow, Gary; Conisbee, Philip, et al. (1999). Portraits by Ingres: Image of an Epoch. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. ISBN 0-300-08653-9, p. 27.


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