モズカラ族 (Sibley)とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/02/22 08:04 UTC 版)

モズヒタキ科(モズヒタキか、学名 Pachycephalidae)は、鳥類スズメ目の科である。モズビタキ科フエドリ科とも。

  1. ^ a b c d e Norman, J.A.; Ericson, P.G.P.; et al. (2009), “A multi-gene phylogeny reveals novel relationships for aberrant genera of Australo-Papuan core Corvoidea and polyphyly of the Pachycephalidae and Psophodidae (Aves: Passeriformes)”, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 52: 488–497, http://www.nrm.se/download/18.2656c41712139f1fb5b80006027/Norman+et+al+2009+core+Corvoidea.pdf 
  2. ^ Jønssona, K.A.; Irestedt, M.; et al. (2008), “Explosive avian radiations and multi-directional dispersal across Wallacea: Evidence from the Campephagidae and other Crown Corvida (Aves)”, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 47 (1): 221–236, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.01.017 
  3. ^ Irestedt, M.; Fuchs, J.; et al. (2008), “The systematic affinity of the enigmatic Lamprolia victoriae (Aves: Passeriformes)―an example of avian dispersal between New Guinea and Fiji over Miocene intermittent land bridges?”, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 48: 1218–1222, http://www.nrm.se/download/18.7d9d550411abf68c801800012645/Irestedt+et+al+Lamprolia.pdf 
  4. ^ Cracraft, J.; Baker, F.K. (2009), “Passerine birds (Passeriformes)”, in Hedges, S.B.; Kumar, S., The Timetree of Life, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0199535033 
  5. ^ a b c Jønsson, K.A.; Bowie, R.C.K.; et al. (2008), “Polyphyletic origin of toxic Pitohui birds suggests widespread occurrence of toxicity in corvoid birds”, Biol. Lett. 4: 71–74, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2412923/pdf/rsbl20070464.pdf 
  6. ^ Christidis, L.; Leeton, P.R.; Westerman, M. (1996), “Were bowerbirds part of the New Zealand fauna?”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 93: 3898–3901, http://www.pnas.org/content/93/9/3898.full.pdf 
  7. ^ Gill, Frank; Donsker, David, eds. (2010), IOC World Bird Names (version 2.5), http://www.worldbirdnames.org/ 


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