ホライモリとは? わかりやすく解説

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学名 Proteus anguinus




学名 Proteus anguinus


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/05/28 19:30 UTC 版)

ホライモリ(Proteus anguinus)は、両生綱有尾目ホライモリ科ホライモリ属に分類される有尾類。現生種では本種のみでホライモリ属を構成する。

  1. ^ a b c Jan Willem Arntzen, Mathieu Denoël, Claude Miaud, Franco Andreone, Milan Vogrin, Paul Edgar, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Claudia Corti 2009. Proteus anguinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T18377A8173419. https://doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T18377A8173419.en. Downloaded on 22 February 2020.
  2. ^ a b c Proteus. Frost, Darrel R. 2020. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0 (Date of access). Electronic Database accessible at http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index.html. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. https://doi.org/10.5531/db.vz.0001 (Accessed: 02/22/2020)
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l 松井正文 「ホライモリ」『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ1 ユーラシア、北アメリカ』小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著、講談社、2000年、236頁。
  4. ^ a b c d e AmphibiaWeb 2014 Proteus anguinus: Olm <http://amphibiaweb.org/species/4229> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed Feb 22, 2020.
  5. ^ Sket, Boris (1997). “Distribution of Proteus (Amphibia: Urodela: Proteidae) and its possible explanation”. Journal of Biogeography 24 (3): 263–280. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2699.1997.00103.x. 
  6. ^ a b c d Burnie D. & Wilson D.E. (eds.) (2001). Animal. London: DK. pp. 61, 435. ISBN 0-7894-7764-5 
  7. ^ Olm”. nhm.ac.uk. Natural History Museum, London. 2013年7月15日閲覧。
  8. ^ Piper, Ross (2007), Extraordinary Animals: An Encyclopedia of Curious and Unusual Animals, Greenwood Press.
  9. ^ Istenic L. & Ziegler I. (1974). “Riboflavin as "pigment" in the skin of Proteus anguinus L.”. Naturwissenschaften (12): 686–687. 
  10. ^ a b Schlegel P.A., Briegleb W., Bulog B., Steinfartz S. (2006). Revue et nouvelles données sur la sensitivité a la lumiere et orientation non-visuelle chez Proteus anguinus, Calotriton asper et Desmognathus ochrophaeus (Amphibiens urodeles hypogés). Bulletin de la Société herpétologique de France, 118, pp. 1–31. (フランス語)
  11. ^ a b Schegel P. & Bulog B. (1997). Population-specific behavioral electrosensitivity of the European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus. Journal of Physiology (Paris) 91: 75–79
  12. ^ Durand J.P. (1973). Développement et involution oculaire de Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodele cavernicole. Ann. Spéléol. 28, 193–208 (フランス語)
  13. ^ a b Langecker T.G. (2000). The effects of continuous darkness on cave ecology and caverniculous evolution. In: Culver D.C. et al. (eds.): Ecosystems of the world: Subterranean Ecosystems, pp. 135–157. Amsterdam: Elsevier
  14. ^ Hawes R.S. (1945). On the eyes and reactions to light of Proteus anguinus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc. N.S. 86:1–53
  15. ^ Kos M. (2000). Imunocitokemijska analiza vidnih pigmentov v čutilnih celicah očesa in pinealnega organa močerila (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Urodela) (Immunocitochemical analysis of the visual pigments in the sensory cells of the eye and the pineal organ of the olm (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Urodela).) PhD thesis. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana. (スロベニア語)
  16. ^ Kos, M., Bulog, B. et al. (2001) Immunocytochemical demonstration of visual pigments in the degenerate retinal and pineal photoreceptors of the blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus). Cell Tissue Res, 303, pp. 15–25.
  17. ^ Hüpop K. (2000). How do cave animals cope with the food scarcity in caves?. In: Culver D.C. et al. (ed.): Ecosystems of the world: Subterranean Ecosystems, pp. 159–188. Amsterdam: Elsevier
  18. ^ Dumas P. in Chris B. (1998). The olfaction in Proteus anguinus. Behavioural Processes 43: 107–113
  19. ^ Istenič, L.; Bulog, B. (1979). The structural differentiations of the buccal and pharyngeal mucous membrane of the Proteus anguinus Laur. Biološki Vestnik, 27, pp. 1–12.
  20. ^ Bulog B. (1989). Differentiation of the inner ear sensory epithelia of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia). Journal of Morphology, 202, pp. 325–338.
  21. ^ Bulog B. (1990). Čutilni organi oktavolateralnega sistema pri proteju Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia). I. Otični labirint (Sense organs of the octavolateral system in proteus Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia). I. Otic labyrinth). Biološki vestnik 38: 1–16 (スロベニア語)
  22. ^ a b Bulog B. & Schlegel P. (2000). Functional morphology of the inner ear and underwater audiograms of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela). Pflügers Arch 439(3), suppl., pp. R165–R167.
  23. ^ Istenič L. & Bulog B. (1984). Some evidence for the ampullary organs in the European cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia). Cell Tissue Res. 235, pp. 393–402.
  24. ^ Bulog B., Schlegel P. et al. (2002). Non-visual orientation and light-sensitivity in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata). In: Latella L., Mezzanotte E., Tarocco M. (eds.). 16th international symposium of biospeleology; 2002 Sep 8–15; Verona: Societé Internationale de Biospéologie, pp. 31–32.
  25. ^ Arntzen, J.W.; Sket, Boris (1997). “Morphometric analysis of black and white European cave salamanders, Proteus anguinus”. Journal of Zoology 241 (4): 699–707. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb05742.x. 
  26. ^ Sket B. et al. (ed.) (2003). Živalstvo Slovenije (The animals of Slovenia). Ljubljana: Tehniška založba Slovenije. ISBN 86-365-0410-4 (スロベニア語)
  27. ^ Sket B. & Arntzen J.W. (1994). A black, non-troglomorphic amphibian from the karst of Slovenia: Proteus anguinus parkelj n. ssp (Urodela: Proteidae). Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 64:33–53.
  28. ^ Durand J.P. & Delay B. (1981). Influence of temperature on the development of Proteus anguinus (Caudata: Proteidae) and relation with its habitat in the subterranean world. Journal of Thermal Biology 6(1): 53–57
  29. ^ a b c d Aljančič M., Bulog B. et al. (1993). Proteus – mysterious ruler of Karst darkness. Ljubljana: Vitrium d.o.o. (スロベニア語)
  30. ^ Sever, David M., ed (2003). Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Urodela. Science Publishers. p. 449. ISBN 1578082854 
  31. ^ Aljančič G. and Aljančič M. (1998). Žival meseca oktobra: Človeška ribica (Proteus anguinus) (The animal of the month of October: olm). Proteus 61(2): 83–87 (スロベニア語)
  32. ^ Bulog B. (1994). Dve desetletji funkcionalno-morfoloških raziskav pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Caudata) (Two decades of functional-morphological research on the olm (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Caudata). Acta Carsologica XXIII/19. (スロベニア語)
  33. ^ Guillaume O. (2000). Role of chemical communication and behavioural interactions among conspecifics in the choice of shelters by the cave-dwelling salamander Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae). Can. J. Zool. 78(2): 167–173
  34. ^ Noellert A., Noellert C. (1992). Die Aphibien Europas. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags GmbH & co., Stuttgart.(ドイツ語)
  35. ^ Voituron, Yann, et al. (2010). “Extreme lifespan of the human fish (Proteus anguinus): a challenge for ageing mechanisms”. Biology letters: rsbl20100539. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0539. 
  36. ^ Baker, Nick. “The Dragon of Vrhnika – The Olm”. Nickbaker.tv. 2009年12月5日閲覧。
  37. ^ Bulog B. et al. (2003). Black Proteus: mysterious dweller of the Karst in Bela krajina. Ljubljana: TV Slovenia, Video tape.
  38. ^ Grosse, Wolf-Rüdiger (2004). “Grottenolm – Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768”. In Frank Meyer et al.. Die Lurche und Kriechtiere Sachsen-Anhalts. Bielefeld: Laurenti-Verlag. pp. 191–193. ISBN 3-933066-17-4 
  39. ^ Bonato, Lucio1; Fracasso, Giancarlo; Pollo, Roberto; Richard, Jacopo; Semenzato, Massimo (2007). “Proteo”. Atlante degli anfibi e dei rettili del Veneto. Nuova Dimensione Edizioni. pp. 71–73. ISBN 9788889100400 
  40. ^ Darwin C. (1859). On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.
  41. ^ Bulog B., Mihajl K. et al. (2002). Trace element concentrations in the tissues of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) and the surrounding environment. Water air soil pollut., 136(1–4), pp. 147–163
  42. ^ EU Habitats directive (1992). [1].
  43. ^ Slovenian official gazette (2002). no. 82, tuesday 24 september 2002. (スロベニア語)
  44. ^ 柴、ベケシュ、山崎、p.29
  45. ^ Državna uprava za zaštitu prirode i okoliša (1999年). “Pravilnik o zaštiti vodozemaca” (Croatian). Narodne novine. 2009年12月5日閲覧。
  46. ^ Destinacija Postojna. Retrieved 7 June 2007.
  47. ^ Plut-Pregelj, Leopoldina; Rogel, Carole (2010). “Currency”. The A to Z of Slovenia. Scarecrow Press. pp. 97–98. ISBN 9781461731757 
  48. ^ Proteus”. City Library Kranj. 2014年1月22日閲覧。





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