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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2022/10/30 10:11 UTC 版)


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  8. ^ Genetics and material culture support repeated expansions into Paleolithic Eurasia from a population hub out of Afri, Vallini et al. 2021 (October 15, 2021) Quote: "Taken together with a lower bound of the final settlement of Sahul at 37 kya (the date of the deepest population splits estimated by 1) it is reasonable to describe Oceanians as an almost even mixture between East Asians and a basal lineage, closer to Africans, which occurred sometimes between 45 and 37kya."
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  11. ^ Carlhoff, Selina; Duli, Akin; Nägele, Kathrin; Nur, Muhammad; Skov, Laurits; Sumantri, Iwan; Oktaviana, Adhi Agus; Hakim, Budianto et al. (2021-08). “Genome of a middle Holocene hunter-gatherer from Wallacea” (英語). Nature 596 (7873): 543–547. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03823-6. ISSN 1476-4687. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03823-6. 
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  13. ^ a b Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Lalji Singh, Alla G. Reddy, V.Raghavendra Rao, Subhash C. Sehgal, Peter A. Underhill, Melanie Pierson, Ian G. Frame, Erika Hagelberg(2003);Genetic Affinities of the Andaman Islanders, a Vanishing Human Population ;Current Biology Volume 13, Issue 2, 21 January 2003, Pages 86–93 doi:10.1016/S0960-9822(02)01336-2
  14. ^ アンダマン諸島については、従来よりハプログループD-M174*(xD-M15,D-M55)が高頻度であるとのデータ(kumarasamy et al. 2003)があり、その後系統解析の研究の進展によりアンダマン諸島のD-M174*はD-Y34537であることがわかった(Y-Full)なお、Y-Fullでは、D-Y34537とD-M55が姉妹群を成すとしている。ただし両者の分岐年代は5万3000年以上前である(Mondal et al. 2017)。
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  17. ^ Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Gyaneshwer Chaubey, Toomas Kivisild, Alla G. Reddy, Vijay Kumar Singh, Avinash A. Rasalkar, Lalji Singh1(2005);Reconstructing the Origin of Andaman Islanders ;Science13 May 2005: Vol. 308 no. 5724 p. 996 DOI: 10.1126/science.1109987
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