シブリー・アールキスト鳥類分類とは? わかりやすく解説

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シブリー・アールキスト鳥類分類(シブリー・アールキストちょうるいぶんるい、Sibley-Ahlquist鳥類分類)は、1990年前後に チャールズ・シブリージョン・アールクィスト、バート・L・モンローによって発表された鳥類分類体系である[1][2][3][4][5]

  1. ^ a b c d Sibley, Charles G.; Ahlquist, Jon E.; Monroe Jr., Burt L. (1988), “A classification of the living birds of the world based on DNA-DNA hybridization studies”, Auk 105 (3): 409–423, http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v105n03/p0409-p0423.pdf 
  2. ^ Sibley, Charles G.; Ahlquist, Jon E. (1990), Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: A Study in Molecular Evolution, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 976, ISBN 978-0-300-04085-2 
  3. ^ Sibley, Charles G.; Monroe, Jr., Burt L. (1990), Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 1111 
  4. ^ Sibley, Charles G.; Monroe, Jr. (1993), Supplement to Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 108, ISBN 0-300-05549-8 
  5. ^ Monroe, Jr, Burt L.; Sibley, Charles G. (1993), A World Checklist of Birds, Yale University Press, pp. 400, ISBN 978-0-300-07083-5 
  6. ^ a b c d e f 山岸哲; 樋口広芳, eds. (2002), これからの鳥類学, 裳華房, p. 330, ISBN 978-4-7853-5838-9 
  7. ^ Charles G. Sibley, On the Phylogeny and Classification of Living Birds
  8. ^ Gill, F. B.; Sheldon, F. H. (1991), “Review of Sibley and Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds”, Science 252: 1003–1005 
  9. ^ Karajewski, C. (1991), “Review of Sibley and Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds”, Auk 108: 987–990 
  10. ^ O’Hara, R. (1991), “Review of Sibley and Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds”, Auk 108: 990–994 
  11. ^ Lanyon, S. M. (1992), “Review of Sibley and Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds”, Condor 94: 304–307 
  12. ^ Mindell, D. P. (1992), “DNA-DNA hybridization and avian phylogeny”, Syst. Biol. 41: 126–134 
  13. ^ Siegel-Causey, D. (1992), “Review of Sibley and Monroe, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds”, Auk 109: 939–944 
  14. ^ Lanyon, S. M.; Hall, J. G. (1994), “Re-examination of barbet monophyly using mitochondrial-DNA sequence data”, Auk 111: 389–397 
  15. ^ Honda, M.; Yamagishi, S. (2000), “A molecular perspective on oscine phylogeny, with special reference to inter-familial relationships”, Japan Journal of Ornithology 49: 175–184 
  16. ^ Ericson, Per G. P.; Anderson, Cajsa L.; et al. (2006), “Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils”, Biol. Lett. 2 (4): 543–547, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0523, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1834003/ 
  17. ^ Hackett, S. J.; Kimball, Rebecca T.; et al. (2008), “A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History”, Science 320: 1763–1768 
  18. ^ IOC World Bird List 2.4 by Frank Gill, David Donsker and the IOC


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