カラスタケとは? わかりやすく解説

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カラスタケPolyozellus multiplex)は、担子菌門ハラタケ綱イボタケ目に属し、イボタケ科のカラスタケ属に分類されるキノコの一種である。カラスタケ属は本種のみを含む単型属である。

  1. ^ a b c d e f Smith, A. H., and E. E. Morse, 1947. "The genus Cantharellus in the Western United States." Mycologia 39: 497-543.
  2. ^ a b c d Underwood, L. M., 1899.A new Cantharellus from Maine. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 26: 254-255.
  3. ^ a b c d Bigelow, H.E., 1978. The cantharelloid fungi of New England and adjacent areas. Mycologia 70: 707-756.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h 今関六也, 本郷次雄, 椿啓介、1970.標準原色図鑑全集14 菌類(きのこ・かび).保育社、東京.ISBN 978-4-586-32014-1
  5. ^ a b c d 今関六也, 本郷次雄、1989.原色日本新菌類図鑑 (II).保育社、大阪.ISBN 4-586-30076-0
  6. ^ a b c Shope, P.F., 1938. Further notes on Cantharellus multiplex. Mycologia 30: 372-374.
  7. ^ a b p. 255. 北國新聞社出版局、金沢市.[要文献特定詳細情報]
  8. ^ 今関六也, 本郷次雄、1957.原色日本菌類図鑑.181 pp. 保育社、大阪.ISBN 4-586-30023-X
  9. ^ a b 高橋郁雄、2007.新版 北海道きのこ図鑑(増補版).363 pp.亜璃西社.ISBN 978-4-900541-72-6
  10. ^ a b c Murrill, W. A., 1910. North American Flora (New York) 9(3): 171.
  11. ^ Bessette, A., and B. M. Fischer, 1992. Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America. A Field-to-Kitchen Guide. 264 pp. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas. ISBN 978-0-292-72080-0.
  12. ^ 柴田尚、「山梨県およびその周辺地域の亜高山帯針葉樹林の菌根性担子菌類」『山梨県森林総合研究所研究報告』 1997年 19巻 p.27-36, 山梨県森林総合研究所
  13. ^ Jeon, S.-M., and K.-H. Ka, 2015. Cultural Characteristics of Korean Ectomycorrhizal Fungi. The Korean Journal of Mycology 43: 1-12.
  14. ^ Saccard, P. A., and P. Sydow, 1902. Sylloge Fungorum omnium huqsuqe cognitorum 16: 1-1291.
  15. ^ a b c d 今関六也, 土岐晴一、「浅川実験林のキノコ」『林業試験場研究報告』 1956年 67巻 p.19-72, NAID 40018582226, 森林総合研究所
  16. ^ Mounce, I., and H. A. C. Jackson, 1937. Two Canadian collections of Cantharellus multiplex. Mycologia 29: 286-288.
  17. ^ Kauffman, C., 1925. The fungus flora of Mt Hood, with some new species. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 5: 115–48.
  18. ^ Overholts, L. M., 1939. Cantharellus multiplex again". Mycologia 31: 231, 233.
  19. ^ a b c Imazeki, R., 1953. Polyozellus multiplex and the Family Phylacteriaceae. Mycologia 45: 555-561.
  20. ^ a b c d e f 沢田満喜、「茸類の色素の研究(第1報) 茸類中に於けるテレフオール酸の分布に就いて」『日本林學會誌』 1952年 34巻 4号 p.110-113, doi:10.11519/jjfs1934.34.4_110, 日本森林学会
  21. ^ 川村清一、1954.原色日本菌類図鑑第六巻.風間書房、東京.
  22. ^ a b c 勝本謙、2010.日本産菌類集覧.日本菌学会関東支部、船橋.ISBN 978-4-87974-624-5
  23. ^ Lloyd, C. G., 1920. Phyllocalbon yasudai from A. Yasuda, Japan. Mycological Writings 6: 1066 (Letter 65).
  24. ^ a b c 今関六也・大谷吉雄・本郷次雄(編著)、青木孝之・内田正弘・前川二太郎・吉見昭一・横山和正(解説)、2011.山渓カラー名鑑 日本のきのこ(増補改訂新版).639 pp. 山と渓谷社、東京. ISBN 978-4-635-09044-5.
  25. ^ Pomerleau, R. and W. B. Cooke, 1964. IX International Botanical Congress -field trip no. 22– Quebec fungi. Mycologia 56: 618-626
  26. ^ a b Lee, I.-S, and Nishikawa, A., 2003. Polyozellus multiplex, a Korean wild mushroom, as a potent chemopreventive agent against stomach cancer. Life Sciences 73: 3225–3234.
  27. ^ a b 刘培贵・王向华・于富强・郑焕娣・陈娟,2003. 中国大型高等真菌生物多样性的关键类群。云南植物研究25: 285-296, hdl:151853/8329
  28. ^ a b c Hwang, J.-S., Song, K.-S., Kim, W.-O., Lee, T.-H., Koshino, H., and I.-D. Yoo, 1997. Polyozellin, a new inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase from Polyozellus multiplex. The Journal of Antibiotics 50: 773-777. doi:10.7164/antibiotics.50.773
  29. ^ a b Song, M., Do, H.-G., Kwon, O. J., Yang, E.-J., Bae, J.-S., Jeong, T. C., Song, K.-S., and S. Lee, 2014. A Comparison of the in vitro inhibitory effects of Thelephoric acid and SKF-525A on Human Cytochrome P450 Activity. Biomolecules and Therapeuticus 22; 155-160.
  30. ^ Kim, J. H., Lee, J. S., Song, K.-S., Kwon, C.-S., Young, K. K., and J.-S. Kim, 2004. Polyozellin isolated from Polyozellus multiplex Induces Phase 2 Enzymes in Mouse Hepatoma Cells and Differentiation in Human Myeloid Leukaemic Cell Lines. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 451-455.
  31. ^ Benedict, R. G., 1971. Chaemotaxonomic relationships among the Basidiomycetes. in Advances in Applied Microbiology (ed. by Gadd, G. M.) 13: 1-23. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISBN 978-0-08-056427-2
  32. ^ Asahina, Y., and. S. Shibata, 1939. Untersuchungen über Flechtenstoffe. XCIV. Über das Vorkommen der Telephorsåure in Flechten. Berichte Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft 72: 1531.
  33. ^ a b Lee, H.-J., Rhee, I.-K., Lee K.-B., Yoo, I.-D., and K.-S. Song, 2000. Kynapcin-12, a New p-Terphenyl Derivative from Polyozellus multiplex, Inhibits Prolyl Endopeptidase. The Journal of Antibiotics 53: 714-719. doi:10.7164/antibiotics.53.714
  34. ^ Kwak, J.-Y., Rhee, I.-K., Lee, K.-B., Hwang, J.-S., Yoo, I.-D., and K.-S. Song, 1999. Thelephoric acid and kynapcin-9 from mushroom Polyozellus multiflex inhibit prolyl endopeptidase in vitro. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 9: 798-803.
  35. ^ Song, K.-S. and I. Raskin, 2002. A prolyl endopeptidase-inhibiting benzofuran dimer from Polyozellus multiflex. Journal of Natural Products 65: 76–78.
  36. ^ Yang, L.Y., Chang, C. F., Huang, Y. C., Lee, Y. J, Hu, C.C., and T. H. Tseng, 2009. The first total synthesis of kynapcin-24 by palladium catalysis. Synthesis-Stuttgart 7: 1175–1179.
  37. ^ カラスタケ
  38. ^ Homola, R. L., 1993. Cantharelloid fungi of Maine. Maine Naturalist 1: 5–12.
  39. ^ Smith, A. H., and N. S. Weber, 1980. The Mushroom Hunter's Field Guide. 316 pp. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, Michiganp. 60. ISBN 978-0-472-85610-7.
  40. ^ Ammirati, J. F., McKenny, M., Stuntz, D. E., 1987. The New Savory Wild Mushroom. University of Washington Press. Seattle, Washington. ISBN 978-0-295-96480-5.



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