一般化推定方程式とは? わかりやすく解説

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(generalized estimating equation から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/08/16 23:41 UTC 版)

統計学において、一般化推定方程式(いっぱんかすいていほうていしき、generalized estimation equation, GEE)は、アウトカム間に未知の相関関係がある可能性のある一般化線形モデルのパラメータを推定するのに用いられる[1] [2]

  1. ^ Kung-Yee Liang and Scott Zeger (1986). “Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models”. Biometrika 73 (1): 13–22. doi:10.1093/biomet/73.1.13. 
  2. ^ Hardin, James; Hilbe, Joseph (2003). Generalized Estimating Equations. London: Chapman and Hall/CRC. ISBN 978-1-58488-307-4. https://archive.org/details/generalizedestim0000hard 
  3. ^ Fong, Y; Rue, H; Wakefield, J (2010). “Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models”. Biostatistics 11 (3): 397–412. doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxp053. PMC 2883299. PMID 19966070. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2883299/. 
  4. ^ Diggle, Peter J.; Patrick Heagerty; Kung-Yee Liang; Scott L. Zeger (2002). Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Oxford Statistical Science Series. ISBN 978-0-19-852484-7 
  5. ^ Pan, W. (2001), “Akaike's information criterion in generalized estimating equations”, Biometrics 57 (1): 120–125, doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2001.00120.x, PMID 11252586 .
  6. ^ Breitung, Jörg; Chaganty, N. Rao; Daniel, Rhian M.; Kenward, Michael G.; Lechner, Michael; Martus, Peter; Sabo, Roy T.; Wang, You-Gan et al. (2010). “Discussion of 'Generalized Estimating Equations: Notes on the Choice of the Working Correlation Matrix'”. Methods of Information in Medicine 49 (5): 426–432. doi:10.1055/s-0038-1625133. 
  7. ^ Sarah J. Ratcliffe and Justine Shults (2008). “GEEQBOX: A MATLAB Toolbox for Generalized Estimating Equations and Quasi-Least Squares”. Journal of Statistical Software 25 (14): 1–14. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i14. 
  8. ^ The GENMOD Procedure”. 2022年10月20日閲覧。
  9. ^ IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics”. 2022年10月20日閲覧。
  10. ^ Stata's implementation of GEE”. 2022年10月20日閲覧。
  11. ^ gee: Generalized Estimation Equation solver” (2019年11月7日). 2022年10月20日閲覧。
  12. ^ geepack: Generalized Estimating Equation Package, CRAN, (18 December 2020), https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/geepack/index.html 
  13. ^ multgee: GEE solver for correlated nominal or ordinal multinomial responses using a local odds ratios parameterization, CRAN, (13 May 2021), https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/multgee/index.html 
  14. ^ Generalized Estimating Equations — statsmodels”. 2022年10月20日閲覧。
  15. ^ Andreas Ziegler and Ulrike Grömping (1998). “The generalised estimating equations: a comparison of procedures available in commercial statistical software packages”. Biometrical Journal 40 (3): 245–260. doi:10.1002/(sici)1521-4036(199807)40:3<245::aid-bimj245>3.0.co;2-n. 
  16. ^ Nicholas J. HORTON and Stuart R. LIPSITZ (1999). “Review of software to fit generalized estimating equation regression models”. The American Statistician 53 (2): 160–169. doi:10.1080/00031305.1999.10474451. 
  17. ^ Nazanin Nooraee, Geert Molenberghs, and Edwin R. van den Heuvel (2014). “GEE for longitudinal ordinal data: Comparing R-geepack, R-multgee, R-repolr, SAS-GENMOD, SPSS-GENLIN”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 77: 70–83. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2014.03.009. https://pure.rug.nl/ws/files/17588929/Title_and_contents_.pdf. 


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