ジェフ・ドワイヤーとは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2019/12/22 03:42 UTC 版)

ジョージ・ジェファーソン・"ジェフ"ドワイヤー: George Jefferson "Jeff"Dwire1923年6月6日 - 1974年8月)は、ヴァージニア・デル・キャシディの夫で元アメリカ合衆国大統領ビル・クリントンロジャー・クリントン・ジュニア英語版の継父。[1]

  1. ^ a b Hillary Clinton, "Hillary Unbound," TIME (Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003).
  2. ^ Emily Toth, "Bringing up Billy: Review of Leading with My Heart: My Life," The Women's Review of Books XII.I (October 1994): 27.
  3. ^ "The Clinton Family Bio," cnn.com.
  4. ^ "Cliffs Notes For Clinton's Book: The Ultimate Abridgement Of My Life," CBS News (July 7, 2004).
  5. ^ First In His Class : A Biography Of Bill Clinton, David Maraniss, Random House, 1996, ISBN 978-0-684-81890-0
  6. ^ fullon, When Was Bill Clinton's Mother Born And Can You Tell Me A Bit About Her? (10 May 2007).
  7. ^ "1967 Ford Mustang Owned by President Bill Clinton," RemarkableCars.com (Sun November 26, 2006).
  8. ^ Jehl, Douglas (1994年4月18日). “A Mustang And a Boy Named Bill”. ニューヨーク・タイムズ. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C03E1D81731F93BA25757C0A962958260 2008年3月2日閲覧. "Mr. Clinton's car, with its white interior, simulated side vents, automatic transmission and a six-cylinder 120馬力 (89 kW) engine, was bought in 1972 by his stepfather, Jeff Dwire, as a gift for the President's younger brother, Roger, who was 16, but Mr. Clinton bought it from his brother several years later." 
  9. ^ Cars on Exhibit


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