カリフォルニア宣教とは? わかりやすく解説

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(カリフォルニア宣教 から転送)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/04/13 03:01 UTC 版)

カリフォルニア・ミッション(英語: Spanish missions in Californiaスペイン語: Pueblo de misión)はスペインカトリック教会フランシスコ会士)によるヌエバ・エスパーニャ北西部(現在のアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州)への宣教活動とそのために建てられた伝道所などの施設の総称である。

  1. ^ 増井志津代「多様と統一:植民地時代アメリカの宗教The journal of American and Canadian studies 17, 89-117, 2000-03-31.
  2. ^ Bill Yenne,The Missions of California, p. 132; also, John E.Bennet,Should the California Missions Be Preserved? - Part II 1897b, p. 152: "With the ten missions first established, the occupation of Alta California may be said to have been completed...They were, however, at wide distances apart, and for the sake of mutual protection and accessibility, as well as for the better conducting of the work of spiritual subjugation of all the Indians, it was necessary that the intervening spaces be settled by additional missions. It was accordingly ordered by the Mexican viceroy, the Marquis de Branciforte, that five new missions should be established, to be placed on lines of travel as near as might be between the existing missions..."
  3. ^ Charles E.Chapman, Ph.D.,A History of California;The Spanish Period, p. 216: "It is usually stated that the Spanish court at Madrid received reports about Russian aggressions in the Pacific northwest, and sent orders to meet them by the occupation of Alta California, wherefore the expeditions of 1769 were made. This view contains only a smattering of the truth. It is evident from José de Gálvez's correspondence of 1768 that he and Carlos Francisco de Croix had discussed the advisability of an immediate expedition to Monterey, long before any word came from Spain about the Russian activities."
  4. ^ Alfred L. Kroeber,A Mission Record of the California Indians 1925, p. vi.: "In the matter of population, too, the effect of Caucasian contact cannot be wholly slighted, since all statistics date from a late period. The disintegration of native numbers and native culture have proceeded hand in hand, but in very different rations according to locality. The determination of populational strength before the arrival of whites is, on the other hand, of considerable significance toward the understanding of Indian culture, on account of the close relations which are manifest between type of culture and density of population."
  5. ^ Chapman, p. 383: "...there may have been about 133,000 native inhabitants in what is now the state as a whole, and 70,000 in or near the conquered area. The missions included only the Indians of given localities, though it is true that they were situated on the best lands and in the most populous centres. Even in the vicinity of the missions, there were some unconverted groups, however." See en:Population of Native California.
  6. ^ Bennett, p. 15: Due to the isolation of the Baja California missions, the decree for expulsion did not arrive in June of 1767, as it did in the rest of New Spain, but was delayed until the new governor, Portolà, arrived with the news on November 30. Jesuits from the operating missions gathered in Loreto, wherupon they left for exile on February 3, 1768.
  7. ^ Bennett 1897a, p. 16
  8. ^ Bill Yenne,The Missions of California, p. 10
  9. ^ Randy Leffingwell,California Missions and Presidios: The History & Beauty of the Spanish Missions, p. 25
  10. ^ James Rawls, Indians of California: The Changing Image, p. 106
  11. ^ Robinson, W.W (1948). Land in California: the story of mission land, ranches, squatters, mining claims, railroad grants, land scrip, homesteads. University of California Press. pp. 28-29. https://archive.org/stream/landincalifornia00robirich#page/28/mode/2up 
  12. ^ Edwin Markham,California the Wonderful: Her Romantic History, Her Picturesque People, Her Wild Shores..., p. 79; Felix Riesenberg,The Golden Road: The Story of California's Spanish Mission Trail, p. 260


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