アレゲーニー山脈とは? わかりやすく解説

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2023/09/10 08:07 UTC 版)

アレゲーニー山脈(アレゲーニーさんみゃく、: Allegheny Mountains, Allegheny Mountain Range, 非公式に the Alleghenies とも、 [ˌæləˈɡeɪni]、綴りは"Alleghany"や"Allegany"もある)は、アメリカ合衆国とカナダの東部に連なる長大なアパラチア山脈の一部(北東部)をなす山脈である。北東から南西に向かっており、ペンシルベニア州北中部からメリーランド州西部とウェストバージニア州東部を抜け、ウェストバージニア州南西部まで、総延長は約400マイル (640 km)ある。

  1. ^ a b c Stewart, George R. (1967), Names on the Land, Boston.
  2. ^ Norton, Major John (1816), The Journal of Major John Norton (Toronto: Champlain Society, Reprinted 1970)
  3. ^ Guyot, Arnold, “On the Appalachian Mountain System”, American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, XXXI, (March 1861), 167-171.
  4. ^ Appalachia: A regional Geography, by Raitz, Karl and Ulack, Richard, Westview Press, 1984. Also: The Mobilian Trade Language used by Indians of the Mississippi Valley, Crawford, James M., Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1978.
  5. ^ American Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. iv, 40, 46-48
  6. ^ Brawn, A., First Republic in America, 34.
  7. ^ Lewis map 1755, Library of Congress
  8. ^ ORNL Report: Druckenbrod, D.L. and V.H. Dale. 2004. Sustaining the landscape: a method for comparing current and desired future conditions of forest ecosystems in the North Cumberland Plateau and Mountains. ORNL/TM-2004/314. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 37 pages. [1] (4/28/2009)
  9. ^ Rosier, George L., Compiler, Hiking Guide to the Allegheny Trail, Second edition, West Virginia Scenic Trails Association, Kingwood, West Virginia, 1990.
  10. ^ Cranberry Mountain Nature Center at (304)653-4826 and during the winter months at the Gauley Ranger District at (304)846-2695.
  11. ^ West Virginia DNR - Wildlife Resources, West Virginia Division of Wildlife. http://www.wvdnr.gov/Main.shtm and http://lutra.dnr.state.wv.us/cwcp/appendix2.shtm
  12. ^ McMichael, WV 1968, Dragoo, Pa 1963
  13. ^ "Introduction to West Virginia Archeology", by Edward V. McMichael, 2nd Edition Revised, Educational Series West Virginia Geological and Economic Survery, by Paul H. Price Director and State Geologist Morgantown 1968, published by West Virginia Archeological Society, P.O. Box 300, Hurricane WV 25526, attn. C. Michael Anslinger, Pres.
  14. ^ McMichael 1968
  15. ^ THE LATE PREHISTORIC COMPONENTS AT THE GODWIN-PORTMAN SITE, 36AL39, abstract RICHARD L. GEORGE. It had several Late Prehistoric occupations. This multicomponent site was destroyed in 1979. The Pennsylvania Archaeologist Volume 77(1), Spring 2007
  16. ^ Revisiting the Monongahela Linguistic/Cultural Affiliation Mystery, ABSTRACT by Richard L. George, Pennsylvania Archeology Society.
  17. ^ Smith, J. Lawrence, The High Alleghenies: The Drama and Heritage of Three Centuries, Tornado, West Virginia: Allegheny Vistas; Illustrations by Bill Pitzer, 1982.
  18. ^ Wonderful West Virginia articles "Allegeny" and Wonderfull W.Virginia September1973, Pp.30, "Valley Falls Of Old", Walter Balderson
  19. ^ "The Monetons are regarded to have been a distant branch of the Cherokees. They had a natural antipathy for the Shawnees, who were located on both sides of the Ohio in the vicinity of the mouth of the Scioto River. After terminating their visit with the Monetons the Cherokees went out of their direct path of return for a few days' swing to the westward to take a "clap" at their ancient and formidable enemy, the Shawnees." Chapter: "The Discovery of Kentucky" Pp. 125, "Register of Kentucky State Historical Society", By Kentucky Historical Society Published by The Society, 1922, Item notes: v.20 (1922) index:v.1-20 Original from Harvard University Digitized Jan 23, 2008
    Note, the term "Shawnoes" appears later in 18th Century, later derives Shawnee.
  20. ^ "AN EARLY HISTORY OF HELLAM TOWNSHIP", Kreutz Creek Valley Preservation Society, [2] (4/28/2009)
  21. ^ The Fairfax Line: Thomas Lewis's Journal of 1746; Footnotes and index by John Wayland, Newmarket, Virginia: The Henkel Press (1925 publication).
  22. ^ Borneman, Walter R. (2007). The French and Indian War. Rutgers. ISBN 978-0060761851 
  23. ^ Browning, Meshach (1859), Forty-Four Years of the Life of a Hunter; Being Reminiscences of Meshach Browning, a Maryland Hunter; Roughly Written Down by Himself, Revised and illustrated by E. Stabler. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co..




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