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Canada Is Seriously Committing $150 Million Dollars Into The Vegan Food Industry

The Canadian Government will be investing $150 million dollars into the vegan protein industry.

The vegan food industry has been seriously growing across Canada. Several vegan restaurants have been loved by both vegans and non-vegans alike and more fast food chains have been starting to put more vegetarian and vegan options on their menu, such as A&W's Beyond Meat Burger that is 100% plant-based protein. Now, the Canadian government is also promoting veganism in the country by investing millions of dollars in the vegan food industry.

READ ALSO: The 16 Best Vegetarian Options You Can Get At Fast Food Chains Across Canada

Featured in Anchorman Canada

The Government of Canada announced earlier this week in a news release that they will be spending almost $153 million dollars for investing into vegan protein. This means that there will be way more options for vegan protein in the country, and is amazing news to both vegans and non-vegans who eat plant-based protein.  

The Canadian government will be investing into the vegan protein industry through their multi-million dollar investment into Protein Industries Canada Supercluster. They are a nonprofit value chain group involved with food manufacturing, agriculture and food-related services.

Protein Industries Canada's goal is to make Canada the world leader for plant-based protein, according to Live Kindly. That mission appears much more attainable now that they will be receiving over $150 million dollars in investment. 

This major investment was announced by the Honourable Ralph Goodale, who is the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. "The Protein Industries Canada Supercluster is great news for the economy of the Prairies and for Canadian agriculture," said Goodale in the news release.

Goodale also talked about how this investment would help achieve a world-class plant protein market in Canada. "By bringing together the best brains from business, academia and non-profits, we're positioning our talented workers to be global leaders in the fast-growing plant protein market," said Goodale. 

This initiative is expected to create 4,500 jobs and bring over $4.5 billion dollars to the country's economy in the next 10 years, according to the news release. 

For more information on the investment, you can check out the full news release here

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