
  • 真柳 誠
    茨城大学人文学部 (大学院人文科学研究科)


  • The contribution of Japan for the formation of Chinese acupuncture moxibustion studies to the present
  • トクベツ コウエン ゲンダイ チュウイシンキュウガク ニ アタエタ ニホン ノ コウケン



A lot of Chinese old medical books and good editions lost in China have been stored in Japan, and been preserved in the present age. Advanced classic studies had been done based on them until the end ofEdo era. The research and the education method of acupuncture moxibustion have been systematized by introducing the modern medicine since theMeiji era. On the other hand, an extinction policy for the acupuncture moxibustion therapy was carried out in last part ofQing dynasty, and the Chinese acupuncture moxibustion was almost destroyed in early period of Republic of China. The Republic of China government was going to abolish Chinese medicine. However, Chinese traditional doctors did the opposition movement by quoting the Japanese results of research, and the Chinese medicine was continued to exist. The acupuncture moxibustion medicine and its education method which Cheng Dan-an introduced from Japan became the foundation that the Chinese acupuncture moxibustion studies revived after new China. New Chinese medicine formed by such a setting is brought to Japan again now. The past history ranges in the future history.




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