1934年互恵通商協定法成立 -連続性の視点から-


  • 1934ネン ゴケイ ツウショウ キョウテイホウ セイリツ レンゾクセイ ノ シテン カラ
  • The Passage of the 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, from the point of view of continutity



The passage of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act in June 1934 marks a shift in the U.S. commericial policy history; from previous high tariffs set by Congress to a movement toward lowered tariffs by authorizing the President to negotiate bilaterally with other countries without Congressional approval. Scholars have often pointed the importance of the passage from the point of view of the dramatic discontinuity leading to the postwar trade-liberalizing system. The object of this article is to add the significance of continuity to the Act: the delegation from Congress to the executive branch described in the Act followed a current of previous attempts to decrease Congressional rights and to extend the executive discretionary power both in its tariff history and American history. Such a change was not dramatic but gradual. In addition, the president's authority in the Act was subject to constraints including renewable limits to the negotiating authoriy, in other words, renewals by Congress, and an obligation to be responsive to the pressures of interest groups. The constraints were remains of the previous tariff-making process, explaining that the U.S. could often deviate from trade liberalization even in the postwar period.

経営と経済, 81(1), pp.65-89; 2001


  • 経営と経済

    経営と経済 81 (1), 65-89, 2001-06-25


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