Weather Eye: contrail conspiracy

A ccording to some theories, contrails that persist in the sky are chemical agents secretly sprayed into the sky by government agencies

Striking aircraft contrail patterns could be seen criss-crossing the sky over the past few days when the skies were clear. A ccording to some conspiracy theories, some contrails that persist in the sky, or make unusual patterns, are chemtrails — chemical or biological agents secretly sprayed into the sky by government agencies.

This conspiracy idea took hold in 1996 when the US Government was accused of trying to modify the weather for military means. The US Air Force denied the accusation and said the evidence for chemtrails was a hoax, but the conspiracy persisted and spread worldwide. In 2005 Elliot Morley, Minister of State at Defra, the Environment ministry, was asked about them in Parliament and his response was that “the Department is not researching