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Wednesday, 12 December, 2001, 23:19 GMT
Frustration for Advocaat
The Rangers players celebrate the win on penalties
Advocaat (left) hailed the PSG result as his favourite
Rangers manager Dick Advocaat declared himself to be more frustrated than emotional after his last match in the Ibrox dugout.

The frustration came from watching the team he had expensively assembled squander chance after chance in a 1-1 draw with Hibernian.

It was the Dutchman's final game in charge before handing over to Alex McLeish, who had left Hibernian yesterday to become the Dutchman's successor.

He said: "Emotional? No. Frustrated? Yes. I have never seen a team that created as many chances as Rangers tonight.

We can't be that lucky all the time
Donald Park, Hibs' caretaker manager

"Yet they gave a goal away and it ended up 1-1. That's frustrating.

"In principle, football-wise if you create chances it's important but the final touch - and it doesn't matter how you do that - looks, for some players, quite difficult."

Shota Arveladze was the main culprit but Tore Andre Flo, who was substituted at half-time, Arthur Numan, Tony Vidmar and substitute Neil McCann were all guilty of misses.

In the end, it needed a deflected Fernando Ricksen goal to equalise Paco Luna's first-half opener.

Advocaat added: "I think we had 15 to 20 chances and that's frustrating. I think in the first 10 minutes we had four 100% chances.

"And then we gave the ball away with (Maurice) Ross and then a cross, one defender was sleeping and it was 1-0.

Dick Advocaat
Advocaat becomes the director of football

"After that I have to say the team worked very hard to get a better result. In the final game for me they created chance after chance and unfortunately the final touch was not there."

Caretaker Hibs manager Donald Park reckoned his side had been lucky to come away with a point considering the number of chances Rangers racked up.

Park has already made it clear he does not wish to be considered as McLeish's successor, explaining: "We can't be that lucky all the time.

"But I thought the players attitude and application was absolutely magnificent. I couldn't have asked any more of them."

Park also insisted that McLeish's swift departure had not been the focus of any pre-match pep talks.

He said: "We never mentioned Alex at all in the dressing room. It may have been a motivation deep down though. It's a funny thing when managers change players always play that little bit better."

Dick Advocaat
"I have enjoyed every minute at this club"
Alex McLeish takes over as Rangers manager

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See also:

12 Dec 01 |  Hibernian
Rangers held by Hibs
12 Dec 01 |  Football
Door slams on Scots
12 Dec 01 |  Hibernian
Sauzee is Hibs favourite
12 Dec 01 |  Wolverhampton Wanderers
Wolves close in on Miller
11 Dec 01 |  Scotland
Advocaat reveals his reasons
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