'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' Features Chris Pine in a Surprising Cameo

With Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse just two weeks away from hitting theaters, some new and [...]

With Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse just two weeks away from hitting theaters, some new and interesting details are starting to come to light about the wall-crawler's first animated adventure on the big screen.

At a recent screening for the upcoming movie, ComicBook.com confirmed that a major actor from DC Comics' cinematic universe plays a small role in the new movie, though that role has a major impact on Miles Morales' journey toward becoming Spider-Man.

Warning: Major spoilers for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse below.

As confirmed by the credits, Wonder Woman star Chris Pine is featured in the Spider-Man movie as none other than Peter Parker himself. But wait, how can Pine be the original Spidey if Jake Johnson is also playing the same character? Well, just consider the movie's title and you have your answer...

Into the Spider-Verse is introducing Marvel fans to a vast multiverse each with their own version of the title character. But Miles Morales comes from a world where Peter Parker actually existed and died, inspiring him to take on the mantle of Spider-Man.

Pine will play that version of Spider-Man, who eventually suffers the same fate as the Ultimate Comics counterpart and leaves a gap for Miles to fill.

This is different from Jake Johnson's version of the character, who is more-or-less fed up with his duties and become disillusioned. But he's still a Spider-Man, a living and breathing one at that, who takes Miles under his wing and teaches him what he needs to know to don the mask and protect his city.

Producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller spoke with Fandango about their version of Peter Parker and how he's almost a perfect amalgam of every major Spidey story that has been told across comics, cartoons, and movies.

"The Spider-Man in Miles' universe that he meets early in the movie was meant to be as competent a Spider-Man as possible, and is meant to be living in an alternate universe that we would all consider the mainstream comics universe," Lord said. "So you'll see that like he and M.J. kiss in the rain upside down, but she's upside down, and he's right side up. Just trying to find little ways to say, 'This is a parallel dimension.'"

We'll see Chris Pine's debut in the Marvel Universe when Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse premieres in theaters on December 14th.