'Grey's Anatomy,' 'Once Upon a Time,' and more in the Spoiler Room

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Photo: Ian Watson/USA Network

Happy Thursday, Roomies.

Hope this mountain of TV intel finds you in good spirits and wearing fuzzy slippers. (I don’t know why I said that…)

Anyway, please enjoy. And if I have overlooked any of your favorite shows, do throw rotten fruit at me via email at spoilerroom@ew.com. See you next week!


Will Richard live? Whose relationship might be dead? What happens in the premiere? We caught up with some cast members and EP Shonda Rhimes for a heap of Grey’s teases:

Three words on the premiere: Storm = Mudslide. Firefighters.

On Richard’s fate: No one would spill on the fate of our beloved chief Webber. After nine (going on ten) seasons, this cast knows a thing or two about keeping a lid on secrets. But Camilla Luddington (Jo) teases of the first two episodes, “There are some heartbreaking things that happen that affect everybody. So there’s an element of recovery from that.” Well, that doesn’t sound good.

On Callie and Arizona: Fans may have been devastated by the Calizona drama of last season, and when we pick up with the new season, Callie is equally stunned. “We’re going to see Callie reeling from all of that and being reactive and acting out and making it known in the hospital how she feels,” Sara Ramirez teases of the two-hour premiere, which picks up moments after the finale. “She’s very open about it. She doesn’t hide it.”

On Jo and Alex: Because the season premiere picks up on the same night where we left off, we will find Jo “still bruised up” from her terrible domestic abuse incident last season. But the future is looking sunnier. “There’s an exploration of where it goes between Alex and Jo this season,” says Luddington. “I’m excited to move on to a happier, healthier Jo.”

On Meredith and Derek: “I feel like they have a newborn versus a 17-month-old, and as we know, newborns only sleep for two hours at a time and there’s breastfeeding involved,” reveals Rhimes of Derek and Meredith’s arc this season. “Having one child and having two children is a very different thing — as I just learned a little while ago. So for Meredith especially, it’s going to be about the lean-in of it all. What is she going to do about that in her career as a surgeon? Is she going to step back or figure out how to go at it harder? That’s going to be very interesting.”

On the 200th episode: “[It] will be a celebration of sorts and a little bit different of an episode,” Luddington teases. “I’ll say this: It’s not just necessarily all about the hospital.”


As you may have heard, some of the stars of Parks and Recreation will leave this season to explore the world outside of Pawnee. (Insert my pained sob here.) And onscreen, look for the characters to be doing the same — especially, EP Mike Schur reveals, after the gang’s trip to across the pond.

“The experience of going to London in the premiere sets up a subtle theme for the season,” he says. “Leslie is very committed to Pawnee and obviously very in love with the city, and that will never change, but she has a kind of interesting and exciting experience and [she and Ben] sort of have this feeling that they want to be more active citizens of the world and broaden their horizons.”

So while the first seven episodes of the season will focus on the attempted recall of Leslie, look for that theme to be a through-line. Elsewhere, Ben and Ron are getting their first big storyline together! “We’re trying to do episodes with more pairings that we’ve never done before, and we realized recently that we’ve never done a story with just Ben and Ron, which blew our minds,” says Schur. In the episode, which will air early in the season, Ben will work on finalizing his and Leslie’s will, and though Ron initially scoffs at the idea, “Ben points out that if you don’t have a will and if you were to die, all of your money would go to the government, so Ron is like, ‘I need a will immediately,'” dishes Schur. “So Ben helps Ron make a will with a lawyer and guides him through the process of his future now that he’s going to be a dad.”


We’re off to Neverland! And while we’re all excited to explore this land and all of its mythology, the show’s producers say they’re excited about what this field trip means for our Fairy Tale Avengers — Emma, Snow, Charming, etc. — as characters.

“Neverland is a land of belief, a land of imagination, and a land where all our main characters are being stripped down to their core,” co-creator Adam Horowitz teases. “It’s really allowing us, as writers, to dig deep into who they are and to push them forward to new places. I think being in Neverland is going to have a profound effect on each of the characters.”

“It’s really fun to see these characters … and dig deep this year and explore what it’s like for Emma to [be with] her parents,” co-creator Edward Kitsis adds. “Neverland is really a place where we can sit down and think about that.”

Meanwhile, look for episode 2 to be “a good old-fashioned Evil Queen versus Snow and Charming,” according to Kitsis, complete with a new Snow outfit and “a really cool Queen costume.”

Next: Scoop on Bones, Revenge, Scandal, and more!

Lewis Jacobs/NBC


Did you get any fantastic Bones scoop from Stephen Nathan today? Do you have some tidbits you can share? — Cassidy

Here’s a juicy little nugget (of many, many more to come!): I hear that while Brennan is going to still be pretty heartbroken and betrayed when we return for the new season, Nathan teases, “Someplace, I believe Brennan has a sense that Pelant is behind this. We will see — it might be subliminal or might be subconscious — she is going to set something in motion that might wrap up this conflict and crisis for their relationship.” Leave it to the brilliant doc to be awesome even when she’s not trying.

Any info you can squeeze out of [Bones EP Stephen Nathan] for the big B&B wedding would be welcome! Will it be on location outside of D C.? — @DelectableDavid

I can’t give you ALL of their secrets. (Also, he wouldn’t tell me.) But what Nathan did hint? That even the pair’s wedding day — which will land SOMEWHERE in the season — probably won’t go off without a hitch. “We’ve never done an episode where there’s not a murder,” he said, coyly.

Any scoop on Chicago Fire, specifically poor Mills? — Danni

I’m guessing you’re referencing the fact that scorned Mills seemed to be on the road to Chicago PD at the end of last season? Well, according to EP Danielle Gelber, “You’ll find out very quickly what that decision was.” More questions about Chicago Fire? Send ’em my way.

Revenge going to have a flash-forward this year? — Jane

Yes. Incoming showrunner Sunil Nayar revealed to me that that’s one tradition they definitely wanted to remain intact. And according to one castmember (coughthewonderfulGabrielManncough), the kicker of the flash-forward will reveal “the mother of all bodies.”

Are we ever going to see more of Jasika Nicole on Scandal? I just love her! More Huck backstory please! — Nimmy

Guillermo Diaz would definitely be up for it! “I would love to see her again and have more scenes with her and [his son]. I hope Shonda [Rhimes] brings them back, but I don’t know yet,” he tells me. But if you dig flashbacks, you’ll love episode 2, where we travel back in time once again. “We will see Huck in the past again with Olivia and we’re going to get more of a glimpse into their relationship in the past,” Diaz says.

Why do I get the chilling sensation that Tara is going to die in jail on Sons? — Kim

While I can neither confirm nor deny this, I will say that she gets into a pretty epic fight in the Sept. 10 Sons of Anarchy premiere.

Hey I’m a huge fan of Sons of Anarchy. Do you know if they will have a trailer for season 6 ? With actual footage from from season 6? Thank you — Daniel


Castle SCOOP! — Lauren

Could there be a Castle spin-off in the works!? Okay, probably not right now. But according to Stana Katic, her scenes with upcoming guest star Lisa Edelstein are definitely good enough to warrant one. “It’s been a wonderful pleasure to work with her,” Katic spilled at last night’s premiere of Elysium. “And she always goes, ‘We should make this a spin-off. If they need a spin-off, it is us two right here.’ So I guess judging by that, she’s glad she joined us too. She’s so lovely and respectful of the story we’ve cooked up until now and also of the one we are developing at this point.” And as for that rumor of disruption on the Castle set? Katic says, “I don’t know what rumors you are hearing, but we are still having a great time on set and we are still making what I think is a great TV show. I hope that rests everything. … I worked with [Nathan] today and it was great. … Things are good.”

Magic City ends tomorrow. Any scoop? — Todd

Tons of scoop in my Q&A with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, posting tomorrow morning. Hint: There will be blood. The question: Will it be Ike’s — or the blood of someone he cares about?

I heard some talk that The Bridge producers have already talked about what happens in season 2 but haven’t seen anything about renewal. Can you help clear up? Thanks — jHal

You’re probably referring to all the talk of season 2 that took place during the show’s panel at the Television Critics Association press tour. The show has not officially been renewed, but EP Elwood Reid explained that even though they have not gotten the official greenlight for a second season, “When you’re a writer, you immediately try to see where the show could go. The scary thing as a writer is when you start writing something and you don’t know what the next episode is. I was a novelist and I can’t tell you how many times I started a book and I run out of gas around page 100. The books that end up turning into novels, you just know there’s enough gas in that tank to get you there. We felt that way with The Bridge. There’s a lot here that if we’re lucky enough to get the ratings for a second season, we can go for a while.”

Will Amelia be back in S9 of Supernatural? — @kelios

I didn’t ask about Amelia when I caught up with EP Jeremy Carver because that storyline is pretty much dunzo in my mind. I think one character who stands a better chance of returning is Meg. I know, she’s kinda dead, but no one REALLY dies on this show. Right, Carver? “Meg kinda died — everyone on Supernatural kinda dies,” he asserts, adding, however, “[I] can’t speak specifically to Meg right now. I personally thought the send-off episode that Robbie Thompson wrote for her is really wonderful. I think myself and Bob [Singer] — like anyone involved in Supernatural — when someone dies, you want it to count a little bit. So there are no immediate plans to bring her back.” Okay, well, my bubble is officially burst … for now.

NCIS: LA question: How does/is Hetty handling everything that is going on? — Anna

If by “everything” you mean the massively traumatic events that we first saw in the finale and will continue to see in the premiere, then … probably not well. In fact, according to executive producer Shane Brennan, psychologist Nate Getz (Peter Cambor) will be making a grand reappearance in the second episode, which takes place three or four months after the finale/premiere. “Nate returns because people are having problems with what happened,” he says. “I know a number of months have passed, but at that point, there are still issues. It’s something that plays out for some time.”

Have any Suits scoop? — Amy

The first images from the much-touted flashback episode have arrived! As you may have read, the episode will find Mike in college and Harvey in the DA’s office. “It ties together just a lot of things from 10 years ago,” EP Aaron Korsh dishes of the episode, titled “The Other Time” (airing Aug. 20). “I will say it also deepens the insight into Mike’s relationship with Trevor in several ways. And we might also see some other old friends pop up in that episode.” And, as you see below, THE CAN OPENER!

Lewis Jacobs/NBC

(Carrie Bell and Mandi Bierly contributed to this report.)

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