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New York Film Critics Circle 2019 Winners: ‘The Irishman,’ Lupita Nyong’o, and More

The NYFCC turned "Roma" into a dominant awards force with honors for Best Picture, Best Director, and more in 2018.
"The Irishman"
"The Irishman"

Following the Gotham Awards and the National Board of Review, the 2019-2020 awards season continued today with the first major critics group announcement courtesy of the New York Film Critics Circle (NYFCC).  Founded in 1935, the NYFCC is made up of critics from daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, and online publications. IndieWire’s own film critics Eric Kohn, David Ehrlich, and Kate Erbland are members of the NYFCC.

After the Gotham Awards and the National Board of Review bestowed their Best Film prizes on Noah Baumbach’s “Marriage Story” and Martin Scorsese’s “The Irishman,” respectively, all eyes were on the NYFCC to see how the season would progress. Alfonso Cuaron’s “Roma” was the big NYFCC winner in 2018 with prizes for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Cinematography. Best Supporting Actress winner Regina King (“If Beale Street Could Talk”) went on to win the Oscar, while Best Supporting Actor winner Richard E. Grant (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?) earned an Oscar nomination.

The NYFCC is known for both honoring major Oscar players and also making some unconventional and beloved choices, such as giving Best Actress to Regina Hall for “Support the Girls” last year or memorably awarding Tiffany Haddish the Best Supporting Actress trophy for “Girls Trip” in 2017. The NYFCC winner for Best Feature often goes on to be an Oscars heavyweight, with recent winners “Roma,” “Lady Bird,” “La La Land,” and “Boyhood” all earning Best Picture nominations.

Additional 2018 NYFCC winners that went on to break into the Oscar race include Paul Schrader for Best Screenplay (his Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay for “First Reformed” earlier this year marked the first of his legendary career), “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” (who won the NYFCC prize for Best Animated Feature and repeated the victory at the Oscars), and Bing Liu’s “Minding the Gap” (the Best Documentary winner that earned an Oscar nomination).

The list of 2019 New York Film Critics Circle winners will be updated as they are announced. Refresh for updates.

Best Picture: “The Irishman”

Best Director: The Safdie Brothers, ‘Uncut Gems’

Best Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”

Best Actress: Lupita Nyong’o, “Us

Best Actor: Antonio Banderas, “Pain and Glory”

Best Supporting Actress: Laura Dern, “Marriage Story” and “Little Women”

Best Supporting Actor: Joe Pesci, “The Irishman”

Best Cinematography: “Portrait of a Lady on Fire,” Claire Mathon

Best Non-Fiction Film: “Honeyland,” Tamara Kotevska and Ljubo Stefanov

Best Foreign Language Film: “Parasite,” Bong Joon Ho

Best Animated Feature: “I Lost My Body,” Jérémy Clapin

Best First Film: “Atlantics,”  Mati Diop

Special Awards: Indie Collect, Randy Newman

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