Gurinder Chadha Working On New Bollywood Inspired Aardman Movie

Peter Lord and Gurinder Chadha

by James White |
Updated on

Director Gurinder Chadha most recently made superb, Bruce Springsteen-powered comedy drama Blinded By The Light. She's sticking with a musical feel for a new movie that will see her working with the acclaimed Aardman Animations team.

The musical, which Chadha is writing with Paul Mayeda Berges, doesn't yet have an announced name but we do know it'll follow Bodhi, a young Indian elephant from the jungles of Kerala with an impossible dream – to be a Bollywood dancer.

"Aardman is a Great British national treasure. I am honoured and excited to bring my unique British Asian vision to their acclaimed animation studio," says Chadha in a statement. "Their work has so much heart, humour and affection, and we share a love of authentic and joyful underdog stories about memorable characters – so it really is a perfect match."

"We are so excited to be collaborating with Gurinder, a truly great director whose beautiful, funny, and warm storytelling we have long admired," comments Aardman creative director Peter Lord. "Her talent, when combined with the team here at Aardman, promises something new and extraordinary in the world of animation." We'll be keeping an eye on this one to see how it develops.

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