CAA has signed Belgian thesp Matthias Schoenaerts, the star of Michael R. Roskam‘s Oscar-nominated foreign film “Bullhead.”

Schoenaerts has won several awards for his performance in “Bullhead,” including best actor at the Palm Springs Film Festival and the New Auteurs Acting Award Prize at AFI Fest. Variety’s “Bullhead” review called Schoenaerts’ perf “mesmerizing.”

Thesp recently wrapped a starring role opposite Marion Cotillard in Jacques Audiard’s “Rust and Bone,” which Sony Pictures Classics has acquired for U.S. distribution.

Past feature credits include Paul Verhoeven’s “Black Book” and Erik Van Looy’s Belgian thriller “Loft,” as well as the latter pic’s upcoming English-language remake that finds Schoenaerts reprising his past role.

Schoenaerts continues to be repped in France by Rosalie Cimino at UBBA.

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