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Apple Snow Leopard
Apple's Snow Leopard: just before you update..
Apple's Snow Leopard: just before you update..

Snow Leopard: hints, hassles and review roundup from around the web

This article is more than 14 years old
Our guide to the guides to what to do if you're installing Apple's operating system update

Of course your first starting place if you want an overview of Apple's Snow Leopard (aka Mac OS X 10.6.0) would be our own review. But there's so much else out there on the web too. Here's a quick roundup; add your own useful links.

Apple has some support pages. Probably the first place to start would be with installation (PDF link). This has changed somewhat between previous versions and the latest: particularly because there now isn't an "archive and install" option as there used to be. (Except there sort-of is.)

Apple also has a page of "known incompatibilities"

TidBits also explains about installation, and how it's changed.

Macworld has a wiki of known and emerging problems. If you're in France and using Orange and trying to send Mail, it's got a particularly helpful tip.

Wired also has a how-to wiki on upgrading to Snow Leopard.

The Register is mirroring a list of incompatible software being compiled by at a wikidot page.

Interesting: Jason Snell at Macworld points out that Snow Leopard calculates space used according to "1,000 bytes = 1kb" rather than the old "1,024 bytes = 1kb". This suggests (surely?) that Snow Leopard will tell you that your hard drive is more full than by the previous measurement system. Then again, it'll tell you that you have a bigger hard drive. Swings and roundabouts.

The Register's review, which I think was the UK's first; and its story about the takedown notice from Apple which it ignored. It's long, and based on a developer build that was almost surely the same as the Gold Master (GM).

Macworld gives you more than you may be able to comprehend. Of note: Rob Griffiths on what annoyances have and haven't been fixed between Leopard and Snow Leopard.

The Daily Telegraph review:

Opening and closing applications, flicking between windows, and even booting up and shutting down feels slicker. Snow Leopard's support for 64-bit computing is key to this, as is its use of OpenCL, which utilises the power of the Mac's graphics processors to run other programs and applications, giving the entire system more grunt.

I'm not convinced that 64-bit or OpenCL have anything to do with those perceptions, but am willing to be corrected.

We're awaiting John Siracusa's usual in-depth review at Ars Technica where he points out that it should have been a 0, not a 1, at 0x005335333553544222.

Er, have we missed some other UK papers' reviews? Perhaps not.

BusinessWeek's Stephen Wildstrom says that it's a "steak more than sizzle" upgrade that's a no-brainer for [Microsoft] Exchange users.

What else have you noticed around the web?

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