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Tuesday, 27 November, 2001, 22:10 GMT
Linfield give Glens the blues
Linfield defeat Glentoran 3-1 to win CIS League Cup
Linfield celebrate their CIS Cup success over the Glens
Linfield 3-1 Glentoran

Linfield stripped Glentoran of one of their trophies when they beat their big Belfast rivals at Windsor Park last night.

There was never any doubt of where the CIS League Cup was going to rest for the next 12 months after Linfield took a thoroughly-deserved 2-0 interval lead.

Goals by Chris Morgan and Tony Gorman had the Blues flying.

Glentoran gave the Blues a scare near the end when Garry Haylock fired home, but substitute Russell Kelly produced a quick reposte to kill off the champions.

The Blues were much superior in the early stages, and although Glentoran came back into the game before the interval, they never showed the urgency or control that would reap dividends.

Rarely troubled

Their defence, without the suspended Chris Walker to organise things, looked nervous, particularly in the first half.

Linfield, on the other hand, played with confidence and despite the absence of Glenn Ferguson, Davy Larmour and Winkie Murphy, always had things in control.

It was the first time in five meetings this season they they had not only scored, but defeated their east Belfast rivals.

Linfield deservedly took the lead in the 16th minute when man-of-the-match Morgan broke wide on the right, cut in and fired in a shot off goalkeeper Alan Gough's legs into the net.

Mark Glendinning and the two McCanns did their best to string together some order in the disorganised Glentoran side.

But Linfield goalkeeper Robert Robinson was rarely troubled and was confined to collecting back passes for most of the evening.

He watched from afar when the Blues stretched their lead in the 36th minute.

Linfield winger Chris Morgan shoots Linfield into the lead
Morgan tucks away Linfield's opening goal

Gorman broke from deep and as the defence backed away, he fired in a shot which took a deflection off Paul Leeman and past the unfortunate Gough.

Glens boss Roy Coyle was forced to make two changes at the break in an attempt to knock some life into his side.

It seemed to work with the Glentoran forward line finally putting the Blues back four under pressure.

However, the Blues defence still remained very secure although a blinding save from the previously-redundant Robinson stopped Garry Haylock from giving the Glens a lifeline in the 65th minute.

And it was Haylock who gave the defending champions a glimmer of hope when he rattled in a superb volley on the turn in the 79th minute.

First touch

But two minutes later the Blues regained their two-goal advantage.

Mark Picking saw his in goal-bound shot stopped by Gough, but Russell Kelly with his first touch as a substitute, touched in the rebound.

That was that as far as Glentoran were concerned.

Linfield played out the remaining time in the same composed manner to bring home the silverware.

Linfield: Robinson, Collier, McShane, A Hunter, Baillie, Scates, Picking, Gorman, McBride, Morgan, Murphy. Substitutions: Arthur for Murphy (73), Kelly for McBride (77), Parker for Picking (86).

Glentoran: Gough, Nixon, Glendinning, Smyth, Leeman, Batey, McCann (1), McCann (2), M Hunter, Armour, Haylock. Substitutions: Halliday for Hunter (45), Russell for Armour (45), Ferguson for Batey (65).

Referee: Alan Snoddy.

''We dominated throughout the game''
says Linfield captain Noel Baillie
''We just did not play well''
Glens goalscorer Garry Haylock
''That goal was for my late father''
Linfield's Russell Kelly
''I am just delighted for the players''
Linfield manager David Jeffrey
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