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WWE Raw results, live blog (Mar. 30, 2015): WrestleMania 31 fallout show

WWE Monday Night Raw comes waltzing back into our lives tonight (Mar. 30, 2015) from the SAP Center in San Jose, California, featuring the fallout show from the WrestleMania 31 pay-per-view (PPV) extravaganza that went down just last night in Santa Clara.

Advertised for tonight: Seth Rollins is the new WWE world heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar responds to losing his title without being pinned, Undertaker and Sting, and more!

Come right back here at 8 p.m. ET when the Raw live blog kicks off once the show starts on USA. It will be below this line here. (REMINDER: NO GIFS OR PICS ARE ALLOWED IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. OFFENDERS WILL BE BANNED.)



BaconStrips here, and welcome to Smarkamania!


WWE Signature and Raw intro.

The pyro goes, and Smarkamania is officially rolling, and this crowd is ROWDY!


Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar start us off tonight, and Lesnar is ready for a fight.

Heyman angrily introduces himself as the advocate for the non-PG ass-kicker: Brock Lesnar.

Heyman immediately addresses last night's events. Lesnar laid an inhuman beating on Roman Reigns.

A "Suplex City" chant starts...this is going to be a great show. Heyman responds: "Suplex City, BITCH!"

Heyman addresses the support from the fans toward Lesnar's beatdown.

Lesnar was just starting to take Reigns to dinner when the slimy bastard himself, Seth Rollins, comes down, cashes in, curb stomps everyone, and pins Roman Reigns to become the most undeserving WWE Champion.

Now Paul Heyman COULD go to Sacramento and sue Seth Rollins, but Lesnar thinks of lawyers as scumbags. Therefore, Lesnar wants to invoke his rematch clause RIGHT NOW!!!

After a few seconds, Stephanie McMahon comes down and is drowned out in boos. A "Ronda Rousey" chant also starts, which Steph shuts down masterfully.

Bad news: Seth Rollins is not back from New York City. However, when he returns, he will be up for the challenge.

Paul Heyman gives us a spoiler: Brock Lesnar will be in action tonight!!!


John Cena will issue an open challenge for the US Title tonight, and DANIEL BRYAN TAKES ON DOLPH ZIGGLER FOR THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE NEXT!!!


Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler (Intercontinental Championship)

Bad News Barrett is on commentary for this one.

Remember all the other matches where Bryan and Ziggler took on each other? Well, this completely upstaged all of them. These two were stiff, technical, and fantastic. Bryan gets the win with a knee out of nowhere.

You really need to watch this match.

Daniel Bryan def Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Bad News Barrett starts beating down Bryan and Ziggler when Sheamus (complete with mohawk and a odd beard style) returns to make the save. However, Sheamus turns and Brogue Kicks Bryan AND Ziggler.

As the crowd chants "you look stupid", Sheamus take a mic and simply says "I am back."

Well then.


The WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is highlighted.


The Brass Ring Club and The Ascension vs The New Day and Lucha Dragons

A LOUD "NXT" chant immediately starts.

Very fun match that definitely showcases Kalisto's insane acrobatics. The heels do dominate for most of the match, but a number of miscommunications doom the heels. Kalisto gets the pin on Konnor with the Salida Del Sol.

The New Day/Lucha Dragons def The BRC/The Ascension


Seth Rollins is in the building, and Lesnar is on his way to the ring.

Adrian Neville is coming...


Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins come out for their title match. Official introductions are made

Before the official start, Seth takes a mic and starts making excuses as to why he can't wrestle. He vows to give Lesnar his rematch...but not tonight.

Lesnar does not like this one bit as he chases Rollins out of the ring. He tries to destroy Rollins, but Rollins runs out like a scalded dog.

Lesnar. Is. Pissed. He starts to destroy anything and everything. The main commentary table is overturned, Joey Mercury is thrown over the other announce table, Michael Cole is F5'd. Everything is chaos.

Lesnar sets up a camera man for the F5 when Stephanie comes down and begs for Lesnar to put the camera man down. He does...with a F5.

A pissed-off Stephanie suspends Lesnar indefintiely, and Lesnar F5s the camera man again.

Everyone at ringside is dead.


We're back to the disaster zone, and everyone is being put on stretchers.

Backstage, Stephanie is walking when Renee Young interviews her about her action. She easily explains her decision due to innocent people being massacred. Renee asks about Lesnar's title shot, and Steph says that he WILL get his title shot when she feels like it.

Until then, Steph owns the son of a bitch.


Stardust vs Damien Mizdow

Byron Saxton is doing solo commentary here.

In a short match, Mizdow gets the win over Stardust. During this match, you could really tell that Saxton was struggling with keeping up with the commentary.

Damien Mizdow def Stardust

After the match, The Miz attacks and puts down Mizdow. Loud "asshole" chants rain out.


Curtis Axel vs NEVILLE

Before the match, Curtis Axel does an Axelmania/Ax-Treme Rules promo. Neville makes his main roster debut, and he has a superhero-esque gimmick.

This is a squash match, but Neville just kills it like he did in NXT.


Neville def Curtis Axel


John Cena vs Dean Ambrose (United States Championship)

John Cena comes out to boos and the classic "John Cena sucks" song. He does some pandering with the crowd before issuing the open challenge. Who accepts?


After a pretty fun and mostly well-worked match (save for a sunset-flip botch from Dean Ambrose), Cena gets the win after a pretty fun end sequence. The crowd made this one as well.

John Cena def Dean Ambrose.

After the match, Ambrose and Cena do a tense five.


Renee Young interviews Seth Rollins. She asks about his thoughts about Lesnar' suspension. Rollins says that Lesnar got what he deserved due to not acting like a WWE superstar. He wants to see him get a huge fine. As for last night, he says that he cashed in when everyone least expected it, and now Rollins is WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Randy Orton joins the interview now. Orton emphasizes that he damn near ripped his head off with a RKO. Orton wants a title shot. As he says this, Kane and Big Show show up. Rollins challenges him to a six man tag.


AJ Lee, Paige, and Naomi vs Natalya and The Bella Twins


Believe it or not, this match got a lot of time. The Bellas and Natalya control the majority of the match, but miscommunications between The Bellas cost them when Nikki accidentally nails Brie with DAT ELBOW. Naomi hits Nikki with the Rear View for the win.

Team AJ def Team Natalya


Ryback joins Randy Orton's team for tonight's main event.

Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus/Bad News Barrett for SmackDown. Roman Reigns, John Cena, and Roman Reigns are also advertised.


Goldust vs Rusev

Rusev crush.

Rusev def Goldust


Randy Orton, Ryback, and Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins, Kane, and Big Show

The disappointment about Randy's third man is quite audible.

The crowd stops caring about this match about 1/4 of the way through. The crowd does a bunch of NXT chants, tells Big Show to "please retire", a wave, and other various things.

The match is boring and predictable. The faces get the win.

Team Orton def Team Rollins

After the match Rollins and Reigns have a staredown as we end.

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