Front cover image for King Solomon's Mines

King Solomon's Mines

Henry Rider Haggard (Author)
Advertised throughout London as "The Most Amazing Book Ever Written," Haggard?s King Solomon?s Mines was an immediate best seller upon its release in September of 1885. By the late 19th century, explorers were discovering ancient civilizations in Egypt and the Middle East. Inventing a lost civilization set in the heart of Africa, Haggard played on the public?s interest in these "lost worlds" with his first novel.??Telling the story of hero Allan Quatermain?s journey to find the legendary mines of Solomon, the Biblical king of great wisdom and wealth, the novel features war, treasure and epic battles
eBook, English, 1887
Cassell and Company, Ltd., London, 1887
1 online resource (363 pages)
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