Evan Rachel Wood Slams MPAA Over Deleted Sex Scene

'Charlie Countryman' actress claims org's censorhip is sexist, hypocritical

Evan Rachel Wood Slams MPAA Over Deleted Sex Scene

Evan Rachel Wood is fuming mad at the MPAA over the decision to remove a sex scene from her upcoming movie “Charlie Countryman.”

The indie film, co-starring Shia LaBeouf, featured a graphic scene that had a female receiving oral sex from a man, but director Frederik Bond was forced to remove the scene in order to obtain an R rating from the Motion Picture Alliance of America, a move Wood claims is sexist and hypocritical.

“I would like 2 share my disappointment with the MPAA, who thought it was necessary to censor a woman’s sexuality once again,” she wrote on Twitter.

“The scene where the two main characters make ‘love’ was altered because someone felt that seeing a man give a woman oral sex made people ‘uncomfortable’ but the scenes in which people are murdered by having their heads blown off remained intact and unaltered,” she added.

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The drama, currently playing in limited release, was given an R rating because of “some brutal violence, language throughout, sexuality/nudity and drug use,” according to the org.

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This isn’t the first time oral sex between a man and woman has led to controversy with the MPAA. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams’ drama “Blue Valentine” received an NC-17 rating back in 2010 for a scene where Gosling’s character performs oral sex on Williams’ character in a hotel room, but the ruling was overturned without any changes being made to the the Weinstein Company movie.

Wood, 26, made similar comments about the MPAA while promoting the Millennium Entertainment film in New York earlier this month.

See the actress’s full Twitter comments below:


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