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Full house: Here are your 160 TDs elected in the 2020 general election

The last constituency to return a result was Cavan-Monaghan.

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ALL 160 SEATS have now been filled in the 33rd Dáil.

Fianna Fáil are – just – the largest party on 38 seats, closely followed by Sinn Féin on 37 and Fine Gael on 35.

The Green Party have returned 12 seats, Labour and the Social Democrats have six each with Solidarity-People Before Profit on five with Independents4Change on one and Aontú on one (denoted as ‘other’ in our results centre).

Independents received 19 seats.

Sinn Féin won the highest amount of first preference votes, and ended up with the vast majority of its 42 candidates being elected. Nine of the 10 candidates who secured the most first-preference votes were from the party. The tenth? Michael Healy Rae

The last constituency to fill its seats was Cavan-Monaghan, with Fianna Fáil returning two seats for Brendan Smith and Niamh Smyth on the 11th count.

A total of 35 outgoing deputies lost their seats, including former ministers Shane Ross, Regina Doherty, Katherine Zappone and Mary Mitchell O’Connor. 

Focus in the coming days will now switch to how a government can be formed, with Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald saying today her preference was not to go into government with either Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil.

She is expected to speak to leaders of smaller parties in the coming days to look at the possibility of forming a government. 

You can see all the TDs elected here.

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