DC's Legends of Tomorrow Writer Confirms Earth-Prime Comic Was Setting Up Season 8 Storyline

The CW's Arrowverse of shows are at a unique impasse, particularly following the recent cancellations of both Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow. Legends' cancellation was particularly surprising to fans of the long-running series, given the fact that the series had been on the network of seven seasons. There's also the cliffhanger ending that Season 7 went out on, with the Legends being arrested and also learning the true identity of Booster Gold (Donald Faison).

While it remains to be seen if and when we'll get any sort of live-action follow-up to the events of that, the recently-released Earth-Prime: Legends of Tomorrow comic does include a story that dives into Booster's adventures around that moment. According to a new tweet from the issue's co-writer, Dan Park, that backup story "was designed to tease his potential Season 8 story."

The idea of Legends' narrative ending was debated about at length in the lead-up to the cancellation, especially after many regarded "Too Legit to Quit" to have been a pretty fitting conclusion to the series. According to co-showrunner Keto Shimizu, the actual ending of Season 7 was not structured to serve as a potential series finale.

"Just because of the timing of everything, we had to just go forth and create a story that felt satisfying and exciting for us as writers and thinking [about] the fans and what they would want to see…but not having any idea of whether or not we would continue this story afterwards," Shimizu explained earlier this year. "But that being said, we chose to take the route of optimism and tell a story that is propulsive into a future season. It's certainly a gamble. But it's a gamble that we were more than willing to take because we wanted it to be crystal clear to anyone watching this season finale that it was meant to be just that — a season finale, not a series finale — and that the writers intend to tell many more [stories] going forward."

"We were building up to this moment that felt like it could have been the end of the series," Shimizu said. "But of course, it's not the end of the series. It almost felt too neat to be a Legends of Tomorrow series finale. Something was always going to give, something was always going to change everything at the last minute, and that's why it felt necessary to tell that story and kind of get it out of the way."

Are you sad that Legends of Tomorrow has been cancelled after seven seasons? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!