While Marvel Studios continues to add more badass women to its big-screen superhero roster, we still haven't seen the studio produce a completely female-driven movie. On the small screen, Netflix recently debuted Jessica Jones, but on the big screen, Captain America: Civil War stars Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) have yet to see their own solo movies in the works. 

That'll change in March of 2019 when the female-led Captain Marvel is slated to hit theaters, though something tells us we'll meet the woman who will play Carol Danvers -- who gains superhero powers through an encounter with an alien, transforming her into a character called Captain Marvel -- sooner rather than later. During a recent chat at the Captain America: Civil War press day, Marvel chief Kevin Feige told Fandango that we're only days away from finding out a lot more about the film that's slated to arrive between the two-part Avengers: Infinity War.

"I think we’ll be announcing a filmmaker in the next month or two, and probably some cast members later in the summer, at the end of the summer," Feige told us, alluding to the possibility that Marvel will make a big Captain Marvel announcement at this year's San Diego Comic-Con in July.

When we tried to poke around for plot details, Feige was naturally vague, saying the film's main focus will be "about Carol Danvers and that journey to being Captain Marvel."

As far as whether Marvel has any plans to produce additional female-led films, Feige says they do, just not between now and 2019. "Yes, for sure, I think [Black] Widow at some point would be great," he teases. "But when you start talking about things that are now four/five years away… sometimes we do that. Dr. Strange has been talked about for 10 years. But we’re focused on the next nine movies, which is a lot, between now and 2019."

Of those nine (!) movies between now and 2019, which are you most looking forward to?

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6. We'll have more with Kevin Feige (and the cast) as we inch closer to release.

-- With reporting by Scott Huver