Monday Nov 05, 2007
H3: My Grandfather’s Son
Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Dennis talks to Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas. His new book is My Grandfather’s Son.
Length: 00:34:27
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Monday January 21, 2008
H2: Can Rudy Return? With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Dennis continues his conversation with Frank Luntz. He asks the pollster whether he thinks Rudy Giuliani who has squandered his once impressive lead in the national polls can recover…. Dennis talks to Bill Sammon, the senior White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner. His latest book is Meet the Next President. They discuss the presidential race.
   Length: 00:34:26
Average Vote:
2 .
Monday January 21, 2008
Prager H3: Dennis talks to Stephen Dubner, co-author of the best-selling book Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything, about the law of unintended consequences. Dubner provides some poignant examples, cautionary tales for politicians.
   Length: 00:34:27
Average Vote:
3 .
Monday January 21, 2008
H1: Martin Luther King Day With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: Dennis reflects on the holiday…. King invoked God constantly in his speeches and no one objected then. It’s different today. If you invoke God in the United States now, you’re mocked as a right-wing nut… Dennis talks to pollster Frank Luntz about the results in S. Carolina and Nevada and what we can expect in Florida.
   Length: 00:34:11
Average Vote:
4 .
Friday January 18, 2008
Prager H2: Unhappy people generally believe that happy people have had an easier life than them; and yet most of us have experienced the same amount of pain.
   Length: 00:33:45
Average Vote:
5 .
Friday January 18, 2008
Prager H1: Dennis speaks with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, vice president of research for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and author of My Year Inside Radical Islam: A Memoir. They discuss the current state of Iraq and Pakistan.
   Length: 00:34:23
Average Vote:
6 .
Friday January 18, 2008
H3: Open Lines With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Per usual, callers set the agenda. Issues raised include: difficulty of relating to siblings, Dennis’ favorite comedy movies, who is the best presidential candidate, online courses to get a degree, five questions that God will ask you when you meet him, Dennis’ attitude toward unions, etc…
   Length: 00:33:57
Average Vote:
7 .
Friday January 18, 2008
A compilation of clips from this past week.
   Length: 00:03:08
Average Vote:
8 .
Thursday January 17, 2008
H2: Anything for a Vote With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Dennis talks to Joseph Cummins, historian. His new book is Anything for a Vote: Dirty Tricks, Cheap Shots, and October Surprises… Dennis holds an impromptu Republican presidential poll of his listeners. Not surprisingly, no clear winner emerges.
   Length: 00:33:53
Average Vote:
9 .
Thursday January 17, 2008
H3: Who Hates More? With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Dennis talks to Arthur Brooks, professor of public policy at Syracuse University. He wrote an intriguing piece for the Wall Street Journal about who really hates more, those on the political Left for Right?... Dennis resumes his impromptu poll of listeners' presidential preferences.
   Length: 00:34:11
Average Vote:
10 .
Thursday January 17, 2008
Prager H1: The ACLU is suing to make sex in public places acceptable. They work hard every day to make the country better… The pope is be banned from speaking out - at a Rome university… Dennis talks to his radio talk show colleague and Mitt Romney biographer, Hugh Hewitt. They discuss Romney's chances, specifically, and presidential politics, generally.
   Length: 00:33:54
Average Vote:
11 .
Wednesday January 16, 2008
H1: Mitt Shines With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: Mitt Romney finally got a gold medal… Dennis talks to Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard and political analyst for Fox News about last night's Michigan primary and how the Republican race now stands.
   Length: 00:33:57
Average Vote:
12 .
Wednesday January 16, 2008
H2: And Now the Democrats With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Dennis turns his attention to last night Democrat's debate in Nevada. He plays some clips about the candidates' opposition to disposing nuclear power waste in the caves of Yucca Mountain in Nevada. The Democrats say they want us to be energy independent, but do everything they can to derail anything that would help us do that… The Democratic candidates tell Brian Williams what their greatest weaknesses are. For Edwards and Clinton it's that they are too good.
   Length: 00:34:09
Average Vote:
13 .
Wednesday January 16, 2008
H3: Who Can Win? With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Dennis talks to Dorothy Rabinowitz, editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal, and one the sharpest minds in the nation. She is a strong supporter of John McCain. She thinks he is only Republican who can win or even avoid a total rout.
   Length: 00:34:08
Average Vote:
14 .
Tuesday January 15, 2008
H1: Race Baiting With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are squabbling over who gets the most credit for civil rights progress - ML King or Lyndon Johnson. It's funny and absurd debate or as Bill Maher noted "these are challenging times for the politically correct." The Michigan primary is today. If McCain wins, it's curtains for Mitt Romney and maybe Rudy Giuliani.
   Length: 00:33:55
Average Vote:
15 .
Tuesday January 15, 2008
H3: Heart and Soul With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Last month the governor of New Jersey signed a bill banning capital punishment in that state. He said he did so by following his heart. But is the heart a good compass on which to base your decisions? Dennis challenges this popular notion.
   Length: 00:33:42
Average Vote:
16 .
Tuesday January 15, 2008
Prager H2: Dennis talks to associate editor of the editorial page of Investor's Business Daily, Terry Adams. Dennis has been very impressed by the work on this page. The discussion ranges over economic and political topics, including fair tax and flat tax.
   Length: 00:34:17
Average Vote:
17 .
Monday January 14, 2008
H1: Death and Taxes With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: Yesterday Chris Wallace pounded Rudy Giuliani on his decision to wait to take his stand in Florida rather than New Hampshire. Rudy gamely defended himself, but he admits that the efficacy of his candidacy will rise or fall on how he does in two weeks... Dennis likes Rudy’s tax plan and makes a moral case for lower taxes… The NY Times featured a story on page one on Sunday that catalogues Iraq vets who have committed crimes back in the US. How about a page one article about the heroic deeds of our troops? Is China quite the economic powerhouse we think? A new study suggests maybe not.
   Length: 00:34:14
Average Vote:
18 .
Monday January 14, 2008
H2: Defeating Al Qaeda With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Dennis talks to Gary Anderson, lecturer on Military Affairs at George Washington University, about how to defeat Al Qaeda in the propaganda war… The European Union has decided that bio-fuels aren’t such a hot idea after all… Dennis returns to an issue that he’s discussed all through the primaries: can a pro-life voter support a pro-choice candidate?... We know there were predatory lenders in the subprime mortgage crisis, but what about predatory borrowers?
   Length: 00:34:34
Average Vote:
19 .
Monday January 14, 2008
H3: Into the Wild With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Dennis talks to Brad Reedy and Vaughn Heath, founders of the Second Nature Wilderness Program, and Teri Solochek, clinical psychologist, about the dealing with troubled kids who need special therapy. Reedy and Health run a program in which kids go into a carefully controlled wilderness environment to deal with various psychological problems.
   Length: 00:34:27
Average Vote:
20 .
Friday January 11, 2008
Prager H2: Addiction is an all-too-common obstacle to happiness. Addictions take you away from people. Also, if you don’t have control of your life, you can’t be happy.
   Length: 00:33:16
Average Vote:
21 .
Friday January 11, 2008
Prager H1: It’s snowing in Baghdad. Reason? According to a UN source, global warming, of course… At the University of Michigan you can learn how to be gay… Charles Krauthammer is not impressed with Barack Obama. But Dennis disagrees with Krauthammer that Obama was rude to Hillary in the NH debate when he said she was “likeable enough” to win… The LA Times features Hugo Chavez in a big color picture on its front page this morning. President Bush, who is in the Mideast on a major peace initiative, is nowhere to be found.
   Length: 00:33:23
Average Vote:
22 .
Friday January 11, 2008
H3: Open Lines With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Per usual, callers set the agenda. Issues raised include: why is watching a movie better than playing a video game; why does Dennis use the term African-American; does everybody fall in love; what is the difference between religion and superstition; how does a woman find a good man like Dennis; why is smoking condemned more than gambling; is lobbying a form of bribery.
   Length: 00:33:57
Average Vote:
23 .
Friday January 11, 2008
A compilation of clips from this past week.
   Length: 00:02:35
Average Vote:
24 .
Thursday January 10, 2008
H2: Liberal Fascism With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Dennis talks to Jonah Goldberg, columnist for the Los Angeles Times and contributing editor for The National Review. His new book is Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning.
   Length: 00:34:20
Average Vote:
25 .
Thursday January 10, 2008
H1: Tracks of My Tears With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: Jesse Jackson Jr., a major supporter of Barack Obama, questions the sincerity of Hillary’s now famous New Hampshire tears. Why didn’t she cry for Katrina or the subprime mortgage crisis, he asks? If Hillary and Obama keep chopping themselves up like this, there won’t be much left of either of them by the end of the primary process… Dennis talks to Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and columnist for the New York Times. Kristol predicts a McCain/Huckabee ticket, but not with much conviction.
   Length: 00:33:36
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