Kirsten Dunst breaks silence on nude photo leak scandal rocking Hollywood

The 32-year-old Crazy/Beautiful star says 'Thank you iCloud'

Kirsten Dunst

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thumbnail: Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst has taken aim at Apple for her nude photo leak.

The actress was among dozens of celebrities affected when a hacker allegedly stole images from iCloud and made them available via a popular image bulletin board-style website.

And the 32-year-old Crazy/Beautiful star took to Twitter on Monday to slam the corporation’s storage service with a snarky post.

“Thank you iCloud,” she tweeted with emoticons of a slice of pizza and a piece of poop.

Kirsten Dunst

The brief message followed on the heels of a statement from the company, whose executives said they are looking into the leak, which reportedly exposed nude pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and more than 100 more stars.

“We take user privacy very seriously and are actively investigating this report,” company spokesperson Nat Kerris told Bloomberg.

Apple also said it had fixed the bug in the “Find My iPhone” app that could have possibly led to the breach.

A spokesperson for Jennifer Lawrence said at the weekend authorities had been contacted on the actress’s behalf and slammed the person or persons responsible for their “flagrant violation of privacy”.

Kate Upton’s lawyer has meanwhile branded the hack “outrageous”, telling MailOnline her representatives “intend to pursue anyone disseminating or duplicating these illegally obtained images to the fullest extent possible”.

Others allegedly targeted have insisted images they have been linked to are actually fakes, including Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande.

The investigation is ongoing.