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..On the grapevine.


LIAMGallagher's LIAM Gallagher's been raising eyebrows of late. He turned up to the black tie awards event in a duffel jacket to start with and spent much of the night wandering around puffing on menthol ciggies on his own - another event without wife Nicole Appleton. I asked him what was his most rock and roll night out and he snapped: "Hasn't happened yet, 'as it?" He was also startled when two girls flashed their breasts at him. All in a day's work for Liam.

DERMOT O'Leary and his fiancee Dee Koppang tie the knot next week in a hideaway celeb-packed wedding. But we won't be seeing the nuptials. "We haven't sold the wedding," Dee told me over a glass of Laurent Perrier. "It's not us. We'll release a picture and donate the money people pay for it to charity. But we want it to be private." The pair will then enjoy a "mini-moon" ahead of Dermot starting his live X Factor shows.

"The mini-moon will be in Rome," Dee added. "Then we'll finally get time to relax." The nicest of showbiz couples - enjoy, guys!

LANA Del Rey tells me Lindsay Lohan has given her a great tip on where to buy her jewels - hilarious considering people say she swipes jewellery when it's lent to her! Lovely Lana wore this huge emerald ring on her engagement finger and told me: "Lindsay recommended this amazing diamond shop in LA. This ring was from there too. It cost pounds 8,000 but I'm totally in love with it."

AZEALIA Banks is yet to meet Kylie Minogue - despite the Pop Princess posting a picture of her during her set. She told me: "She tweeted a picture of me but I still haven't met her. I've been a fan for years." Her debut album Broke With Expensive Taste has now been delayed and is due out in 2013.
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Title Annotation:Features; Opinion, Column
Publication:Sunday Mirror (London, England)
Date:Sep 9, 2012
Previous Article:Waisled child Peaches; Marries again.. in same church as mum Paula.

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