Edgar Wright’s Next Film Is A Psychological Horror, Plus Baby Driver 2 Update – EXCLUSIVE

edgar wright

by Ben Travis |
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In the new issue of Empire, we’re celebrating the career of Edgar Wright – the visionary, playful, genre-twisting British filmmaker behind the Cornetto trilogy, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Baby Driver. While his most recent film saw him steer into crime-thriller territory, delivering rip-roaring car chases and spins on the traditional heist movie, he’s about to venture even further from his comedy roots with his next film. Talking to Empire, Wright revealed his next project is a straight-up psychological horror-thriller – he cites Don’t Look Now and Roman Polanski's Repulsion as influences – set in London, and starring a female lead.

“I realised I had never made a film about central London – specifically Soho, somewhere I’ve spent a huge amount of time in the last 25 years,” Wright tells Empire in the new issue, out 24 January. “With Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead you make movies about places you’ve lived in. This movie is about the London I’ve existed in.” The film will shoot this summer from a screenplay co-written by Krysty Wilson-Cairns.

Ansel Elgort Baby Driver

Elsewhere, Wright is continuing to work on his documentary about the cult band Sparks, and his previously-mooted Baby Driver sequel is still in the works. “A first draft of Baby Driver 2 exists,” he confirms, adding that it introduces a whole swathe of new characters following the original's high body-count, and “takes the story further”.

Read more about Edgar Wright’s upcoming films in the Captain Marvel issue, arriving on newsstands on Thursday 24 January – or pre-order a copy online here{ =nofollow}. Also inside: Empire’s epic career-spanning Edgar Wright oral history, the stories behind his 10 greatest shots, plus he answers your questions in The People Vs. Edgar Wright.

Empire – March 2019 – Captain Marvel newsstand cover

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