Sour end to Parliament for Tories as 'plot' against Bercow is routed

Humiliation for David Cameron as senior Tories rebel against bid to sink John Bercow

John Bercow Speaker of the House of Commons relaxing at home
John Bercow Speaker of the House of Commons relaxing at home Credit: Photo: Jeff Gilbert for the Telegraph

David Cameron has been humiliated after a plot to oust the Speaker backfired amid fury from senior Conservatives.

Nearly two-dozen Tories voted against a “shabby plot” to undermine John Bercow by amending parliamentary rules to put his re-election to a secret ballot.

Mr Bercow had tears in his eyes as Charles Walker, the Conservative chairman of the Procedure Committee, attacked his colleagues for “playing him for a fool” by keeping him in the dark about an attempt to drive through reforms in the dying hours of the Parliament that he had proposed months ago.

The fiasco, which appears to fly in the face of the Tories’ election mantra of “competence versus chaos”, raises questions about the performance of Michael Gove, the Chief Whip.

It is the latest in a series of blunders, including the defection of two MPs and the fiasco over the European Arrest Warrant last year.

MPs said the move was a “grubby, squalid, nauseous” end to the career of Mr Hague, the outgoing Leader of the House, who yesterday celebrated his 54th birthday.

And although the Government lost the vote, it calls into question whether Mr Bercow is the right man to preside over the badly divided house.

The Government’s plan to make Mr Bercow’s re-election subject to a secret ballot in May was intended as a morale-boosting gift to Tory backbenchers as they left for the campaign.

Many Government MPs think the Speaker is biased towards Labour, and are infuriated by his high-handed manner.

The “ambush” was to take place at 10.30am after an address from Lynton Crosby, Mr Cameron’s strategist, that saw Tories on a three line whip to attend Parliament. Many Labour were in their constituencies campaigning.

But Mr Bercow scheduled three Urgent Questions, delaying the debate by several hours. It gave Labour MPs enough time to return to the Commons, where Mr Hague was denounced from all sides.

"Doesn't the Leader of the House doesn't better than for his political epitaph to be written by a lazy, cowardly, bullying, spiteful, vindictive prime minister who isn't fit to lace his shoes,” said Jamie Reed, the Labour shadow health minister.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Tory MP, added: “"Do you appreciate the deep sadness many of us feel that your career should end with your name being put to a bit of parliamentary jiggery-pokery that has come about representing grudges that some people have against Mr Speaker, and that this is deeply unfortunate?"

Several Tory MPs said they supported the proposed reforms but were deeply unhappy with the way the Government had sprung them.

In the division lobby, Mr Cameron, who returned by helicopter from a visit to a taxi factory in Coventry to vote, told MPs: “I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Secret ballots are very important. Remember the Chartists."

The Government was defeated by 228 votes to 202 on a free vote. The 23 Conservative opponents included Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbenchers, David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, and Bernard Jenkin, the chairman of the powerful Public Administration Select committee.

There were 10 Liberal Democrat opponents, including ministers Jo Swinson and Stephen Williams.

Labour could not hide their delight at the result of the vote, with shrieks of delight coming from the party’s whips’ office when the result was known.

Ben Bradshaw, the former Culture Secretary, punched the air in joy at news of the defeat.

“Bring back George!” shouted one MP – a reference to Sir George Young, the previous Chief Whip.

One former Tory minister muttered “what a f--- up” after the vote.

One Tory pointed out that not all of the 275 Tory MPs had turned up for a meeting with the party’s election strategist Lynton Crosby in the morning had voted

Another Conservative MP said that it was likely Mr Bercow’s treatment of them would worsen saying: “It is not like the Speaker to bear a grudge.” He was seen fixing a long glower at Mr Hague in the moments after the vote.

Other Tory MPs were appalled that the feelgood feeling that had coursed through the party after a triumphant Prime Minister’s Questions had been allowed to evaporate so quickly.

Downing Street said Mr Cameron has full confidence in Mr Gove.

But asked if Mr Cameron thinks Mr Bercow is doing a good job, the spokesman said: "That's a view for MPs across the House to express."

The spokesman indicated Mr Cameron would not bring the reforms back. "The House has expressed its view."