Zachmanフレームワーク 概要


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本記事のタイトルである"Zachmanフレームワーク"は、2021年時点でThe Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectureの最新版であるバージョン3.0のことを指している。Zachmanフレームワークは、30年間におよぶ歴史の中で以下のように発展してきた。

  • 最初期のフレームワーク。"A Framework for Information Systems Architecture"という名前で、1987年にJohn ZachmanがIBM Systems journalで発表したもの[4]
  • 1987年の版を、1990年代に拡張してThe Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architectureと改称したもの[5]
  • その後のZachmanフレームワークで、Zachman Internationalから業界標準として提示されているもの。
1997年から2005年にかけてエンタープライズアーキテクチャの本に掲載されたZachman Frameworksの図

In other sources the Zachman Framework is introduced as a framework, originated by and named after John Zachman, represented in numerous ways, see image. This framework is explained as, for example:

  • a framework to organize and analyze data,[6]
  • a framework for enterprise architecture.[7]
  • a classification system, or classification scheme[8]
  • a matrix, often in a 6x6 matrix format
  • a two-dimensional model[9] or an analytic model.
  • a two-dimensional schema, used to organize the detailed representations of the enterprise.[10]

Beside the frameworks developed by John Zachman numerous extensions and or applications have been developed, which are also sometimes called Zachman Frameworks.

The Zachman Framework summarizes a collection of perspectives involved in enterprise architecture. These perspectives are represented in a two-dimensional matrix that defines along the rows the type of stakeholders and with the columns the aspects of the architecture. The framework does not define a methodology for an architecture. Rather, the matrix is a template that must be filled in by the goals/rules, processes, material, roles, locations, and events specifically required by the organization. Further modeling by mapping between columns in the framework identifies gaps in the documented state of the organization.[11]

The framework is a simple and logical structure for classifying and organizing the descriptive representations of an enterprise. It is significant to both the management of the enterprise, and the actors involved in the development of enterprise systems.[12] While there is not order of priority for the columns of the Framework, the top-down order of the rows is significant to the alignment of business concepts and the actual physical enterprise. The level of detail in the Framework is a function of each cell (and not the rows). When done by IT the lower level of focus is on information technology, however it can apply equally to physical material (ball valves, piping, transformers, fuse boxes for example) and the associated physical processes, roles, locations etc. related to those items.

  1. ^ a b The Concise Definition of The Zachman Framework by: John A. Zachman”. Zachman International, Inc. (2008年). 2021年10月31日閲覧。
  2. ^ Roger Sessions (2007年5月). “A Comparison of the Top Four Enterprise Architecture Methodologies”. Microsoft Developer Network Architecture Center. 2021年10月31日閲覧。
  3. ^ The Zachman Framework Evolution”. Zachman International (2009年4月). 2021年10月31日閲覧。
  4. ^ A framework for information systems architecture”. IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 26. No. 3 (1987年). 2019年1月11日閲覧。
  5. ^ a b The Open Group (1999–2006). "ADM and the Zachman Framework" in: TOGAF 8.1.1 Online. Accessed 25 Jan 2009.
  6. ^ William H. Inmon, John A. Zachman, Jonathan G. Geiger (1997). Data Stores, Data Warehousing, and the Zachman Framework: Managing Enterprise Knowledge. McGraw-Hill, 1997. ISBN 0070314292.
  7. ^ Pete Sawyer, Barbara Paech, Patrick Heymans (2007). Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality. page 191.
  8. ^ Kathleen B. Hass (2007). The Business Analyst as Strategist: Translating Business Strategies Into Valuable Solutions. page 58.
  9. ^ Harold F. Tipton, Micki Krause (2008). Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 2. page 263.
  10. ^ O'Rourke, Fishman, Selkow (2003). Enterprise Architecture Using the Zachman Framework. page 9.
  11. ^ a b James McGovern et al. (2003). A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture. p. 127-129.
  12. ^ Marc Lankhorst (2005). Enterprise Architecture at Work. p. 24.
  13. ^ a b "Business Systems Planning and Business Information Control Study: A comparisment. In: IBM Systems Journal, vol 21, no 3, 1982. p. 31-53.
  14. ^ John A. Zachman (1987). " A Framework for Information Systems Architecture". In: IBM Systems Journal, vol 26, no 3. IBM Publication G321-5298.
  15. ^ a b c Durward P. Jackson (1992). "Process-Based Planning in Information Resource Management". In: Emerging Information Technologies for Competitive Advantage and Economic Development. Proceedings of 1992 Information Resources Management Association International Conference. Mehdi Khosrowpour (ed). ISBN 1878289179.
  16. ^ Alain Wegmann et al. (2008). "Augmenting the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework with a Systemic Conceptualization". Presented at the 12th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008), München, Germany, September 15–19, 2008.
  17. ^ John F. Sowa and John Zachman (1992). "Extending and Formalizing the Framework for Information Systems Architecture" In: IBM Systems Journal, Vol 31, no.3, 1992. p. 590-616.
  18. ^ a b Stan Locke (2008). "Enterprise Convergence in Our Lifetime" In: THE ENTERPRISE NEWSLETTER, TEN42 September 16, 2008
  19. ^ John A. Zachman (1997). "Concepts of the Framework for Enterprise Architecture: Background, Description and Utility". Zachman International. Accessed 19 Jan 2009.
  20. ^ R.W. Matthews. &. W.C. McGee (1990). "Data Modeling for Software Development". in: IBM Systems Journal" 29(2). pp. 228–234
  21. ^ Jaap Schekkerman (2003). How to Survive in the Jungle of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks. page 139-144.
  22. ^ Vladan Jovanovic, Stevan Mrdalj & Adrian Gardiner (2006). A Zachman Cube. In: Issues in Information Systems. Vol VII, No. 2, 2006 p. 257-262.
  23. ^ a b c VA Enterprise Architecture Innovation Team (2001). Enterprise Architecture: Strategy, Governance, & Implementation report Department of Veterans Affairs, August, 2001.
  24. ^ The government information factory and the Zachman Framework by W. H. Inmon, 2003. p. 4. Accessed July 14, 2009.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g The Chief Information Officers Council (1999). Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Version 1.1. September 1999
  26. ^ US Department of Veterans Affairs (2002) A Tutorial on the Zachman Architecture Framework. Accessed 06 Dec 2008.
  27. ^ Bill Inmon called this image "A simple example of The Zachman Framework" in the article John Zachman - One of the Best Architects I Know Originally published 17 November 2005.
  28. ^ The Zachman Framework Evolution”. Zachman International (April, 2009). 2009年10月15日閲覧。
  29. ^ Adapted from: Sowa, J.F. & J.A. Zachman, 1992, and Inmon, W.H, J.A. Zachman, & J.G. Geiger, 1997. University of Omaha
  30. ^ Ian Graham (1995). Migrating to Object Technology: the semantic object modelling approach. Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201593890. p. 322.
  31. ^ Jay D. White (2007). Managing Information in the Public Sector. p. 254.
  33. ^ DJ de Villiers (2001). "Using the Zachman Framework to Assess the Rational Unified Process", In: The Rational Edge Rational Software 2001.
  34. ^ David S. Frankel et al. (2003) The Zachman Framework and the OMG's Model Driven Architecture White paper. Business Process Trends.
  35. ^ Hervé Panetto, Salah Baïna, Gérard Morel (2007). Mapping the models onto the Zachman framework for analysing products information traceability : A case Study.
  36. ^ Roland Traunmüller (2004). Electronic Government p. 51
  37. ^ Statement of Dr. John A. Gauss, Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology, Department of Veterans Affairs, before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Veterans' Affairs U.S. House of Representatives. March 13, 2002.
  38. ^ Meta-Model Cell Details Accessed 25 Dec 2009
  39. ^ This diagram is the exclusive work of Albin Martin Zuech of Annapolis Maryland, who placed it in the public domain in 2001. Al Zuech maintains the original visio diagram in numerous stages of its development between 2000 and present. Al Zuech was the Director, Enterprise Architecture Service at the Department of Veterans Affairs from 2001 until 2007.

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