クジラ保護に関するWWFジャパンの方針と見解 (2005年5月)


1. クジラ保護は、「WWFの使命」実現に、もっともふさわしい形で行なう


1.1. 生物の多様性を守る。
1.2. 再生可能な自然資源の持続可能な利用が、確実に行なわれるようにする。
1.3. 環境汚染を減らし、資源とエネルギーの浪費を防ぐ。

2. 科学的な根拠に基づいて議論・行動し、予防原則を尊重する。


2.1. 影響の予想が、科学的な根拠に基づいて行われているか?
2.2. 影響があると完璧に立証できない場合でも、必要な対策が速やかにとられているか?
2.3. 過剰な、あるいは過小な予防措置を招かないよう、可能な限り科学的・技術的知見に基づいて、内容や程度が検討されているか?

3. 国際合意を尊重する。


4. 多様な価値観を尊重する。


5. 日本政府に対し、海洋資源の保全に貢献するよう強く働きかける。



1. 商業捕鯨について

1.1 過去の乱獲における責任の認識、また国際社会での信頼の回復が必要である。

1.2 国際的な合意が必要である。

1.3 予防原則が必要である。

1.4 絶滅危惧種でないクジラの商業捕鯨の可能性。
1.4.1. 個体数増減に関するデータが十分に把握され、公開されている。
1.4.2. 有害化学物質や地球温暖化による個体数減少の可能性など、捕獲以外の影響も、個体群動態の把握の際に充分に考慮されている。
1.4.3. 予防原則を採用した持続可能な漁獲量が、注意深く推定されている。
1.4.4. 効果的なRMS(改定管理制度)が、実行可能な形で完成している(RMSは、厳格に適用されれば、クジラ類の乱獲を防ぐ有効な手段となる)。

2. 調査捕鯨について


3. 日本政府(水産庁)のクジラ問題に関する広報活動について


4. 沿岸の小型鯨類、その他の水産資源について


5. サンクチュアリ(インド洋、南大洋)について


6. 鯨肉の国際取引について



1. WWF Japan follows WWF's General Policy for Conservation of the nature: Aim to establish the harmony between human activities and nature by achieving the following three targets.
1.1. Conserve biodiversity
1.2. Ensure the sustainable use of natural resources
1.3. Reduce the pollution, the waste of energy, and that of resources.

2. WWF Japan discusses and acts upon scientific data, applying the Precautionary Principle.
Persuade the stakeholders to carry out continual scientific survey of whale population dynamics, and to always discuss conservation or control of the species upon those scientific data.
The knowledge human beings have of Nature is limited and therefore, the respect of the precautionary principle becomes a necessity.
The precautionary principle consists in preventing or canceling an act when it may mean risking an irreversible influence (e.g. the extinction of a species or of a population) or a serious influence (extensive disturbance of the ecosystem). The important aspects of this principle are as follows:
2.1. The influences must be estimated on a scientific basis.
2.2. Even when the existence of influence cannot be perfectly proved, necessary measures should be taken without delay.
2.3. To prevent excessive or insufficient precautionary measures, the contents and the level of the influence must be evaluated, as much as possible, from a scientific and technical point of view

3. WWF Japan respects international agreements.
Respect and support the roles played by IWC and CITES on the conservation and population management of whales, regarding IWC is the only official whaling management organization based on ICRW. Concerning the international conferences of IWC and CITES, appropriate discussions founded on a scientific basis and the acquisition of an agreement which is based on a democratic principle is demanded.

4. WWF Japan respects the various senses of value.
Respect the fact that relationships with whales may vary due to different cultures of the world. On the other hand, monitor and guide to prevent scientific discussions from being distorted by the use of the whaling issue as a political instrument.

5. WWF Japan urges the Japanese Government to contribute to the preservation of marine resources.
Urge to recognize responsibility on the past over hunting and unsuitable data processing. Persuade the government to contribute to the IWC conservation committee.
Demand that the Japanese Government work on gaining trust from the international society. To gain international trust, the Japanese Government should clearly declare that it will contribute positively to the preservation and management of whales and other marine resources, and present detailed contribution measures with its plans of execution.
WWF Japan will urge the Japanese Government through dialog, and neither through one-sided criticisms nor oppositional attitudes, to contribute largely to the preservation of marine resources.


1. Concerning commercial whaling.
1.1. The recognition and reflexions about the past and the recovery of trust are needed.
The considerable decrease of whales in the past due to commercial whaling is an undeniable fact. In order to prevent its repetition, the fishery companies and supervising government agencies need to recognize responsibilities for the excessive use in the past.
In terms of whaling, the Japanese Government has little international trust because of past circumstances. It must therefore work on recovering trust from the international society by obtaining a transparent report on the current scientific research whaling, and express a positive contribution to an adequate management of marine resources.

1.2. An international agreement is necessary.
Among whales, those which circulate through both open waters and economic waters of each country are common properties, and commercial whaling must not be resumed without an international agreement. Certain countries have objected to the moratorium adopted by IWC. It is a right of the countries which are part of the treaty based on ICRW, but not a desirable method. All countries should respect the international agreement and withdraw their objections.

1.3. The Precautionary Principle is needed.
If the resumption of commercial whaling were to be considered, the application of the precautionary principle would be demanded.

1.4. The possibility of commercial whaling for whales which are not in danger of extinction.
For whales that presently maintain a sufficient population size and are therefore not considered as being endangered from a scientific basis, the possibility of resuming commercial whaling cannot be denied as long as the following conditions are satisfied.
1.4.1. There is sufficient data on the number of individuals and its fluctuation.
1.4.2. Influences other than that of capture, such as toxic substances or global warming, are taken into consideration with prudence.
1.4.3. A maintainable amount of capture is carefully estimated.
1.4.4. An executable and efficient RMS is complete (when adequately applied, RMS can be an efficient means of preventing excessive whaling).

2. Concerning scientific research whaling.
The need and benefits of scientific research whaling in whale conservation must be discussed from a purely scientific point of view.
The number of captures in scientific research whaling must be limited to the strict minimum. With the accumulation of data and the development of survey means, non-lethal research should increase as soon as possible.
For whales captured in scientific research whaling, it is vital to disclose the information concerning its commercial consumption, the benefits it gives, and the consumption outside of the commercial market, etc.
As well as the further inspection of the accuracy of the methodologies, the improvement of distribution of the research results is required.

3. Concerning the Japanese Government's (ministry of fishery) public communication.
The ministry of fishery claims that "because of the large amount of fish consumption by the whales, the human share of marine resources decreases," that "the larger the whale population becomes, the worse the marine ecosystem would be disturbed," or that "the large minke whale population prevents that of blue whale which eat the same krill from increasing." However, the prediction of the wild ecosystem through the difference of feeding only between two species, or through a simple model of the food chain, lacks scientific basis.
Attracting excessive attention to the predation pressure by the whales on fishing resources or the influences on other whale species would lead to a loss of trust on the Japanese Government, by giving a strong impression that they are simply political opinions for resuming and developing whaling.

4. Concerning small whales of the coastal areas and other marine resources.
The research on small whales in the Japanese waters (some of which are objects of fishery) is insufficient, and the conservation measures have fallen behind. The Japanese Government should activate the survey on the influences of unintentional capture, fishery production and marine pollution, and rapidly build precise conservation measures and resource management measures.
It is demanded that the Japanese Government establish resource management measures on a scientific basis for all marine resources of the Japanese waters and not only for whales, and that it put extra effort into its preservation.

5. Concerning the sanctuaries (the Indian Ocean, Southern Oceans).
Whale sanctuaries have importance as a safety measure against uncertainties that resource management systems such as RMS have not estimated.
Coastal countries should consider the efforts of creating marine protected areas including whale habitats in their economic waters. The establishment of marine protected areas and the contribution to the management of open waters by the Japanese Government are demanded.

6. Concerning the international trade of whale meat.
The international agreements of CITES should be respected by all the contracted countries. It is undesirable that countries such as Japan or Norway should partially suspend the addition of certain whale species on the CITES annexⅠ. The resumption of the international trade of whale meat should wait for the discussions of IWC and CITES.
The application of the international trade should have a precise methodology preventing illegal trade and poaching. Registering DNA for all whale meat on the market may be an efficient prevention measure. To ensure the efficiency of these measures, the concerned organizations in Japan demand that the submission of DNA samples be an obligation for all those who are concerned. It is also demanded that the obtained documents and the DNA data be released publicly and confirmed by an independent organization. (Traffic East Asia / WWF Japan have already performed a preliminary survey on whale meat in the market.)


