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4件中 1-4の結果を表示しています
  • 石藏 甚平
    1958年 13.Suppl 巻
    発行日: 1958/10/15
    公開日: 2018/03/23
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 長井 純市
    1988年 97 巻 9 号 1538-1555,1628-
    発行日: 1988/09/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Interdepartmental Liaison Conference on Anti-Comintern and Counterintelligence Measures (hereafter, "the Conference") was established as a working-level conference in July, 1937, on the initiative of the Police Security Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs. It was one of a number of committees and other such entities arising at that time, outside the process of administrative reform. Other participants in the Conference were the Ministries of the Army, Navy, Foreign Affairs, Communications, Finance, Justice, Colonial Affairs and Education, the Bureau of Resources and the Bureau for Manchurian Affairs, the Committee on Intelligence, and Military Police Headquarters. Records are extant for four meetings of the Conference ; and there may only have been four. The Conference's existence was secret. The objective of this essay is twofold : First, by examining the structure and function of the Conference, the author delineates the actual measures undertaken in the exercise of its dual mandate. Secondly, the author attempts to place within a larger political context conditions obtaining within the Ministries of the Army and Home Affairs, which played leading roles in the exchange of information, etc., within the Conference. Among the Army representatives to the Conference was Iwakuro Hideo, who had been instrumental in the preparation of the Military Secrets Act reform bill recently submitted in the Diet. In Conference deliberations as well, the Army addressed chiefly matters relating to counterintelligence, seeking comprehensive measures for the preservation of military secrets even after passage of the reform bill. Previously, in the 69th Diet, deliberations on a General Mobilization and Preservation of Secrets Act, based on a concept of national security broadly defined, had ended inconclusively. Subsequent efforts to pass a Military Secrets Act reform bill represented a retreat to a concept of national security narrowly defined in accordance with the prerogative of supreme command. One may surmise that the Military Affairs Bureau of the Army Ministry, which was in charge of counterintelligence, saw the Conference as providing some compensation for this policy retreat. From the point of view of the Home Ministry, the original proponent of the Conference, it would appear that the Conference was envisioned as a Trojan horse for the standing committee provided for under Section III of the Protocol to the Japanese-German Anti-Comintern Pact. This was denied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but may nevertheless be inferred from the subsequent dispatch to Rome of a Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs with the objective of establishing just such a committee. The committee was never in fact established. The Conference thus provides a perspective on the ineffectiveness of the Anti-Comintern Pact. A further point of interest is that among the other governmental agencies represented in the Conference, the Ministries of Communication, Justice and Education, and some others, thanks to current administrative reforms, had parallel sections perfectly suited to participation in the Conference, and participated actively. The Conference was succeeded by a Committee on Counterintelligence established in December, 1938 ; a consideration of that committee will be undertaken in a separate article.
  • 番組準則,電波法76条の修正過程の検証
    村上 聖一
    2020年 70 巻 7 号 48-67
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/04/16
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    政治的公平などを定めた放送法の番組準則に違反した場合に、電波停止処分(電波法76条)が可能かという問題をめぐっては、さまざまな見解が存在する。これに関連した規定は、1950年4月の電波三法(電波法・放送法・電波監理委員会設置法)の成立直前に盛り込まれたものだが、従来の研究ではその修正過程が十分に明らかにされてこなかったことから、一次資料を基に検証を行った。 当時の文書によると、まず、電波法76条の対象として放送法違反を含める修正は、電波庁と衆議院法制局を中心に1950年2月中旬の時点で検討されたもので、修正は電波法・放送法の整合性を図るためのものだったと見られる。一方、番組準則の修正はこれとは別に、その後の国会内での議論で盛り込まれた。このうち、番組準則の民放への適用は民放開設関係者が求め、番組準則の内容変更は与党の国会議員を中心に主張されていた。 これらを盛り込んだ修正案は1950年3月にGHQに示されたが、GHQがこだわったのは、番組準則などの問題ではなく、規制監督機関である電波監理委員会の独立性確保だった。GHQが早期の法案成立を目指したこともあり、番組準則や電波法76条の修正はそのまま了承され、電波三法が成立した。 こうした経緯からは、電波法76条と番組準則の修正はそれぞれ別の文脈で行われたものであり、GHQもそれらの修正を番組規制に関連した重要事項とは見なしていなかったことがわかる。番組準則違反を理由にした電波停止処分が可能かという問題を考えるにあたっては、そうした立法過程も考慮に入れ、検討を行うことが必要と思われる。
  • 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌
    2018年 32 巻 2 号 39-135
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2020/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー