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クエリ検索: "甘い生活。"
15件中 1-15の結果を表示しています
  • *田中 柊子
    2008年 17 巻
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Ilkka HAVUKKALA, 渋谷 直人
    Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
    1991年 3 巻 13 号 372-374
    発行日: 1991/09/02
    公開日: 2010/01/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 野村 雅夫
    2009年 59 巻 183-208
    発行日: 2009/10/17
    公開日: 2017/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー

    Il presente saggio si prefigge di mettere in luce come Pier Paolo Pasolini, autore che si esprime sia mediante la letteratura (poesia e romanzo) sia mediante il cinema, considerasse la sceneggiatura, da lui ritenuta importante forma intermedia di collegamento tra i due mezzi espressivi. Il nostro scopo e quello di aggiungere un tassello, per quanto piccolo, alla comprensione ancora incompleta in Giappone di un autore cosi complesso. Pasolini intrattiene i primi contatti con il mondo attraverso la sua collaborazione alla sceneggiatura de La donna del fiume di Mario Soldati nel 1953. Da allora, se si comprendono anche quelle non realizzate, si occupa di 36 sceneggiature, quasi tutte concentrate nel periodo che va fino al 1962. Questo lavoro di sceneggiatore, che fa soprattutto per vivere, provoca in Pasolini autore due tipi di insoddisfazione: uno e il sentirsi "insabbiato" nel sistema spesso adottato di far scrivere la sceneggiatura a piu mani e l'altro, nel caso fortunato in cui possa scrivere da solo, il vedere sfasata nella pellicola l'immagine concepita in fase di scrittura. Si trova cioe nella situazione antinomica di "artigiano" che deve applicarsi al lavoro commissionatogli e di "artista" che mira a ottenere la propria espressione personale. Questo conflitto, unito alle sue esperienze come regista, lo induce a riflettere sulla natura della sceneggiatura. I suoi pensieri si condensano nel saggio del 1965 La sceneggiatura come "struttura che vuol essere un'altra struttura", in cui Pasolini giunge alla conclusione originale che la sceneggiatura "puo essere considerata una 'tecnica' autonoma, un'opera integra e compiuta in se stessa". Quando un autore adotta la "tecnica" della sceneggiatura, accetta come struttura della sua "opera in forma di sceneggiatura" l'allusione a un'opera cinematografica "da farsi". Struttura, questa, che non esiste in altri prodotti letterari e che comporta una collaborazione particolare da parte del lettore. Nella sceneggiatura infatti il "segno" allude al significato secondo la strada percorsa comunemente delle lingue scritte e nel contempo allude allo stesso significato rimandando al film da farsi. L'autore di una sceneggiatura ha quindi necessita di chiedere al lettore una partecipazione assai piu intensa di quella richiesta per esempio da un romanzo. Senza questa operazione di collaborazione, la sceneggiatura appare incompleta, dal momento che l'incompletezza ne rappresenta un elemento stilistico. Con l'intervento attivo del lettore diventa dunque completa, generando in modo quasi automatico la visualizzazione del film da farsi. Nella sceneggiatura, cioe, oltre al "grafema" e al "fonema", agisce a livello della coscienza del lettore un terzo elemento essenziale, quello del "cinema". Pasolini definisce i cinemi come "immagini primordiali, monadi visive", che si staccano dagli altri due elementi, diventano autonome e, coordinandosi, costituiscono un sistema di "im-segni" a parte. Fondamentale e il fatto che la struttura della sceneggiatura e dinamismo puro, tensione che si muove dalla struttura stilistica narrativa della letteratura verso la struttura stilistica del cinema. Questo dinamismo permette, nella sceneggiatura, di definire in termini strutturali i due stadi, la struttura letteraria e quella cinematografica, e nel tempo stesso di rivivere empiricamente il passaggio dall'uno all'altro. Il saggio qui esaminato considera gli aspetti strutturali della sceneggiatura analizzandone la peculiarita in modo del tutto teorico. E percio possibile ricevere l'impressione che l'argomento non sia stato del tutto sviscerato e per questa ragione alcuni studiosi hanno effettivamente parlato di punti deboli nella teoria pasoliniana. Tuttavia,

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 小山 静子
    2011年 78 巻 2 号 212-214
    発行日: 2011/06/30
    公開日: 2017/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三木 健
    1994年 41 巻 3 号 343-350
    発行日: 1994/08/31
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In recent years, more than 110 million tons of commercial sugar products (Satoh) are produced annually in the world, of which cane sugar accounted for 62 .5% and beet sugar 37.5%. Total sugar production in 1990 in Japan is approximately 2.7 million tons, of which beet sugar manufactured in Hokkaido accounted for about 650 thousand tons . The major commercial sugar produced in Japan is refined sugar and beet white sugar . The refined sugar is manufactured from cane raw sugar, although partly from beet raw sugar . Various types of sugar are produced, having different grades, qualities and appearance of products . Sugar products are divided into two classes by manufacturing process, bunmitsu-toh (centrifugal sugar) and ganmitsu-toh (noncentrifugal sugar). The refined sugar, beet sugar and raw sugar come in the former, whereas koku -toh (brown sugar lump) in the latter . The refined sugar products are also classified into two groups, soft sugar and hard sugar. While joh-haku-toh (soft white superior) and san-on-toh (soft yellow) belong to soft sugar, granyu-toh (granulated), joh-zara-toh or shiro-zara-toh(coarse crystal superior) and chu-zara-toh (coarse crystal medium) come in hard sugar . This paper describes the profile of sugar referring to historical topics, manufacturing and characteristics of commercial sugars as well as their production and consumption .
  • 関 三雄
    2005年 36 巻 39-50
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2018/11/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 祐本 寿男
    1994年 9 巻 177-192
    発行日: 1994/05/10
    公開日: 2012/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 箱庭,MSSMにおけるイメージ変容に関する考察
    三好 敏之
    2022年 35 巻 1 号 43-54
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/12/12
    ジャーナル 認証あり


  • 順天堂惠和會に於て口演 (速記)
    磯部 美知
    1938年 S13 巻 581 号 581_38-581_50
    発行日: 1938/12/25
    公開日: 2015/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―その構造と機能―
    宇都宮 由佳
    2006年 57 巻 5 号 271-286
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2007/10/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    In a continuing study on the food eaten by the local people in northern Thailand, this report presents the results of a study into the characteristics and function of traditional confectionery from questionnaire, listening and literature surveys. The data were analyzed by the statistical method with SPSS software and also by some sociological methods. Khanom Thai, or Thai traditional confectionery, was originally made from rice and sugar in the court of the Thai dynasty as an offering to the Royal Family and monks. Influenced by the food culture of foreign countries, the confectionery was refined and disseminated from the central to local areas. Important characteristics of this confectionery in northern Thailand developed from making at home on special occasions of Buddhist and agricultural festivals, marriage ceremonies and housewarming parties. Glutinous rice is the main material, while sugar and coconut milk are not as frequently used as they are in Central Thailand. Compared with Khanom Thai from Central Thailand, the confectionery is simple in shape and taste. The people of northern Thailand can now obtain various types of Khanom Thai through development of the distribution channels. Home-made Khanom Thai strengthens the family bond and gives a deeper feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment, while offering Khanom Thai to the Buddha would greatly accentuate their virtue. Although those are the main features of the function of Khanom Thai, making and eating the confectionery will become a more significant trigger to recognition of the identity of Thai people in future.
  • 門野 里栄子
    2007年 3 巻 145-163
    発行日: 2007/09/15
    公開日: 2018/12/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, I consider how a person may subjectivize their transformation from a bystander to a peace activist by looking at the life history of M, a woman born and raised in Okinawa. After her mother's death, M felt that peace activity, which until then had been her mother's domain, should be the subject with which she should be concerned as a subject. Since M had no language with which to tell of "the self as a peace activist", she reflected her process of becoming a peace activist onto her mother's life. By converting her own negative experiences into positive experiences, and sympathizing with the experiences of others, and connecting them to form a "story", she constructed a self which "does not give up easily." Moreover, when her history was compared with that of her brother Y, it emerged that each of them had started their peace activity, by using family experiences as a resource.
  • 関 三雄
    2004年 35 巻 21-35
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2018/11/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 第三世界政治家研究
    山口 圭介
    1977年 1977 巻 57 号 99-119,L4
    発行日: 1977/05/30
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a brief, tentative comparative study of ideas and behaviors on nation-building of Kwame Nkrumah, an ex-president of Ghana and Julius K. Nyerere, the president of Tanzania. They are both known as ones of most specutacular political leaders and thinkers in contemporary Africa.
    In the decisive period of nation-building in every national history, a number of great personalities emerged, whose ideas and behaviors consolidated the national characters for transmission to subsequent generations. Nkrumah and Nyerere are, in the sense, compared to e. g., George Washington and Maximilien Robespierre who played leading parts in the nationalist revolutions in the United States and France respectively. It should, however, be noted one difference of roles played between by contemporary African nationalist leaders and by their early western counterparts. In western countries capitalist nationalities already existed, when nationalists began their movements. Their functions were to change the nationalities or groups of people produced by objective socio-economic processes, into nations or groups created by subjective political processes, that is, by nationalist movements. In Africa the nationalities or the basic foundations for nations still remained to be achieved, after the nationalists had been called into actions. Their duties are, therefore, twofold. They have to creat their nationalities, at the same time to change the nationalities into the nations. And therefore, they have, in a sense, opporturities to choose the kind of nations and the way to creat nations as they like. Almost all nationalist leaders in Africa, including Nkrumah and Nyerere, have chosen the socialist kind and way.
    In the most critical situations which struck the two nations five years after the independence, both Nkrumah and Nyerere determined to launch socialist policies. Ghana was hit by a socio-economic crisis caused by the fall of cocoa prices. Nkrumah insisted he saw insidious neo-colonialist hands behind the price fall. Tanzania suffered diplomatic difficulties with Britain, West Germany and the United Sates. The Western powers stopped aids to her.
    Nkrumah wanted to see a single African Nation united under ‘the United States of Africa’, which is advanced, industrialized and so powerful that it could stand against neo-colonialist interventions. His socialism was nothing but a centrally planed economics directed by the Continental Government in order to have got strength enough to oppose neo-colonialist maneuvers. ‘CPP program for Work and Happiness’ of 1962 and the Seven Year Development Plan of 1964 were instruments of his socialist ideas. But he was toppled by the 1966 coup, before the Plan completed.
    Nyerere's ideas and methods are ‘ujamaa’ and ‘self-reliance.’ Ujamaa means familyhood in Swahili. He likes to see Tanzanian Nation to become something like a modern ujamaa, which has got rid of old ujamaa's defections such as unequal treatment of women and general poverty. He opposes to too fast industrialization and unification of Africa, which Nkrumah eagerly advocated. Nyerere insists upon Tanzanian nation-building by self-reliance. He means by the word that Tanzanian development should be done primarily with Tanzanian own resources, not with foreign money. TANU's ‘Arusha Declaration’ of 1967 was a product of his ideas and methods.
    Some writers criticize Nkrumah and Nyerere on two points among others: that they mistakenly denied the class struggles in Africa, and that they succumbed to neo-colonialists. These critics are right in some points but not the case in others. Nyerere does not always neglect the class problems in Tanzania, while Nkrumah failed to see class struggles in Ghana. Questions of neo-coloniclism are not so simple as easily solved by such cries of anticolonialism slogans some writers cherish, although neo-colonialism is no doubt an evil thing, badly needed to be
  • ―アモイ大学の学位取得型留学生を事例に―
    羅 方舟, 澤村 信英
    2021年 30 巻 1 号 147-163
    発行日: 2021/06/30
    公開日: 2021/07/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    The number of students from Africa to China has been increasing rapidly, but there is a lack of study discussing their motivations and experiences in relation to this kind of student mobility, which is different from traditional models. The purpose of this study is to examine the motivations and experiences of African students in China by focusing on students' individual backgrounds, and discussing the reasons why China attracts African students. A case study was conducted at Xiamen University, a national university in Southeastern China, using semi-structured interviews with 12 students from Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, and Rwanda.

    The results showed four types of motivation. For the first type, “second chance,” students see China as a more viable alternative to studying in Western countries. As there is little chance to gain scholarships in the latter, they eventually choose to go to China. The second type, “career enhancement,” refers to those who have work experience and are seeking to develop their careers through the acquisition of higher degrees in China. The third type, “language, culture and city interest,” refers to those who are interested in learning the Chinese language and culture, and the living environment in Chinese cities. For the last type, “family strategy,” the decision to study in China is part of a family plan to develop the family business.

    African students have positive and negative experiences in China. Positive experiences include the acquisition of cross-cultural understanding, the improvement of language skills and an increase in academic knowledge. Moreover, they appreciate the quality of education at Xiamen University and the speed of economic and social development in China. On the other hand, they encounter problems such as discrimination from Chinese people, and gaining access to internships and employment in China remains a challenge.

    English programs attract African students proficient in English, which contributes to student mobility from Africa to China. Also, various scholarship policies implemented by the Chinese government are an important incentive. Furthermore, deepening economic relationships between China and Africa are promoting students' career development. Finally, African students who gain positive experiences are willing to recommend their families and friends to study in China.

  • そのアート思考とデザインマネジメントについて
    小山 太郎
    2021年 18 巻 1 号 39-68
    発行日: 2021/09/30
    公開日: 2022/12/15
    ジャーナル フリー