Meaning of promontory in English:


Pronunciation /ˈprɒm(ə)nt(ə)ri/

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nounplural noun promontories

  • 1A point of high land that juts out into the sea or a large lake; a headland.

    ‘a rocky promontory’
    • ‘Both ponds were divided from the lake by a low promontory of land that encircled them.’
    • ‘If you want to be independent, go to any promontory, headland or peninsula that has deep water close inshore and allows you to stand on a cliff a good height above water level.’
    • ‘The Inn is built high on a rocky promontory that looks over Chesterman Beach, and the sheer acreage of windows in this cedar-and-glass structure makes it ideal for its winter attraction - storm-watching.’
    • ‘The Oyster Residence is a seven-bedroom eco-retreat perched on a rocky promontory and surrounded by a pine forest that comes all the way down to the shores of the eastern Mediterranean.’
    • ‘Strategically situated on a rocky promontory with an adjacent natural harbor, it was called Cabo Corso, or short cape, by the Portuguese.’
    • ‘A coastal path climbs spectacularly over a rocky promontory and brings you to L' Estagnol, where you will find a sheltered sandy cove.’
    • ‘Survivors of the burning of Panama City in 1671 rebuilt a walled bastion on a rocky promontory to the west.’
    • ‘The cavalry stopped just short of bow range from the rocky promontory, and the women prepared for a ground assault.’
    • ‘It was hard to tell which eagle-eyed member of the crew spotted the stranded paddler waving at us from a rocky promontory.’
    • ‘I beached it in a small bay and clambered to a rocky promontory to admire the surrounding grandeur and check my progress.’
    • ‘The house sits on a rocky promontory at the southern tip of Kata beach, one of the best on the island.’
    • ‘You leave the cliffs and promontories and blue sea gulfs behind, and corkscrew inland, past the roadside shrines with their solitary icons and flickering candles.’
    • ‘The castle was perched atop a promontory jutting from the foothill of a steep, ice-stained mountain whose angular cliffs rose tier after tier to a single high bluff of bare rock.’
    • ‘You have to read your tides right - otherwise you could find yourself stranded on the rocky causeway that connects the promontory to the mainland.’
    • ‘From the tip of the headland you are treated to a view of more unblemished promontories dotted along the coast.’
    • ‘Regardless of how you get there, it is worth making a trip to the island's capital, which is built on a promontory that projects dramatically out into the sea.’
    • ‘Imagine a hooked promontory jutting from the cliffs, but submerged 10m.’
    • ‘They walked for a distance over the rough hillside and then came to a halt on a promontory which loomed out over the ravine.’
    • ‘This promontory, overlooking the narrow neck joining the peninsula to the mainland, constituted a protected yet strategic location.’
    • ‘The dark shapes that smudged the even line of the ocean were mountains, or perhaps promontories, riding high and magnificent upon the vastness of the water.’
    headland, point, cape, head, foreland, horn, spit, hook, bill, ness, naze, peninsula
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  • 2Anatomy
    A protuberance on an organ or other bodily structure.

    ‘Facial nerve paralysis is caused by compression of the nerve against the sacral promontory or by trauma resulting from the use of forceps during delivery.’
    • ‘These motions push the posterior shoulder over the sacral promontory, allowing it to fall into the hollow of the sacrum, and rotate the symphysis over the impacted shoulder.’
    • ‘Less commonly, shoulder dystocia results from impaction of the posterior shoulder on the sacral promontory.’
    • ‘Clearance of the obstruction showed that the tympanic membrane was compressed against the promontory.’


Mid 16th century from Latin promontorium, variant (influenced by mons, mont- ‘mountain’) of promunturium.