Meaning of pear-shaped in English:



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  • 1Tapering towards the top, like a pear.

    ‘a pear-shaped diamond’
    • ‘Victoria tried on a Harrods drop pear-shaped diamond necklace which was going for a bargain £75,000 after being reduced from £100,000.’
    • ‘The shoes are encrusted with more than 400 round and pear-shaped diamonds.’
    • ‘We fell into each others arms and I kissed her pear-shaped diamond necklace feeling its coldness against my teeth.’
    • ‘A single pear-shaped diamond was set in the middle, and their initials were engraved on either side.’
    • ‘The first, traditional balloons, are pear-shaped, carry a basket suspended underneath, but lack any means of propulsion or guidance.’
    • ‘She felt him slide a ring onto her finger, and when she looked down, there was a pear-shaped, full carat gold ring on her finger.’
    • ‘The glenoid fossa itself is somewhat pear-shaped, with the small end pointing toward the cleithrum.’
    • ‘Round and princess settings are the most common choices for engagement rings, so gentlemen might want to check before opting for a heart or pear-shaped stone.’
    • ‘Basically resembling a pear-shaped melon, the papaya, with it's delicately scented, creamy orange coloured flesh and sweet flavour, is one of the best of all tropical fruits.’
    • ‘The pear-shaped bag filled with cushiony polystyrene beads easily moulds around the body.’
    • ‘Black Amsterdam is a beautiful pear-shaped stone with 145 facets which is said to be extraordinarily black and hence the name.’
    • ‘Three other common ones are the rather small buttercup, the pear-shaped butternut and the larger hubbard.’
    • ‘The pear-shaped white dome surrounded by a marble-paved courtyard is visible from a distance.’
    • ‘My pear-shaped face is longer than my torso and my smile is almost the size of my helmet.’
    • ‘The second from the left, with its small pear-shaped bowl, is typical for an egg spoon, which is confirmed in this instance by its inclusion in a boxed set of eggcups and spoons.’
    • ‘One wound was L-shaped and 1 was slightly pear-shaped.’
    • ‘While few pear-shaped teapots were made of silver in England after the first quarter of the eighteenth century in some American centers silversmiths continued to make them almost until the Revolution.’
    • ‘‘Havran Quince,’ a large pear-shaped fruit, sometimes reaches more than 2 lb.’
    • ‘According to English inventories, the term flagon refers to a tall, pear-shaped vessel with a narrow neck and chain.’
    • ‘His pear-shaped head, with its thick nose, narrow-set and long-lashed eyes, sensuous mouth and double chin, blends into sloping shoulders and curved arms.’
    deep, low, sonorous, full, full-bodied, vibrant, rich, clear, ringing, orotund
    1. 1.1(of a person) having hips that are disproportionately wide in relation to the upper part of the body.
      ‘attention to detail helps disguise a pear-shaped figure’
      • ‘Exercising for your body type: I'm pear-shaped.’
      • ‘For those of you out there really into clogged arteries and developing a pear-shaped figure, this is the meal for you.’
      • ‘A pear-shaped woman begins to sing to enthusiastic applause.’
      • ‘Representatives of the airline industry have been summoned to an annual convention of pear-shaped men in August.’
      • ‘The pear-shaped woman is smaller on the top and broader on the hips.’
      • ‘Studies launched in 1960 concluded that pear-shaped women (bigger hips than waists) are less likely to suffer from heart disease and diabetes than are apple-shaped men.’
      • ‘If you are pear-shaped, a woman with heavy menstrual periods, have fibroids and/or are over 35, excess estrogen may be causing your body to retain extra weight.’
      • ‘But this doesn't mean that pear-shaped women should be complacent about weight gain.’
      • ‘I just wanted to write and tell you how much I appreciated your article about pear-shaped women.’
      • ‘Apple-shaped torso of man and pear-shaped body of woman indicate accumulation of unwanted fat in the body.’
      • ‘She also said weight distribution made a difference, as characterised by apple and pear-shaped bodies.’
      • ‘By high school, I was a fan of large, baggy dresses and wore a thick mask of painstakingly applied makeup to distract from my pear-shaped body.’
      • ‘His body became soft and pear-shaped because of hormone reversals that flowed from the tumor's impact upon the gland.’
      • ‘Their bodies are pear-shaped and slack, and scarred from surgeries; one man wears a colostomy bag.’
      • ‘Sighing, George heaved his pear-shaped body out of the borrowed wheelchair.’
      • ‘For the longest time, I could not lose weight and was trapped in a pear-shaped body.’
      • ‘Female bodies are often referred to as pear-shaped or apple-shaped, or, in more scientific terms, ‘gynoids’ and ‘androids.’’
      • ‘If you carry most of your fat around your hips and thighs or lower body, you're considered to be pear-shaped.’
      • ‘Although at 5ft 7ins I'm fairly tall, my legs are relatively short, making me look even more pear-shaped.’
      • ‘True, her waistline wasn't as tidy as she'd have liked, and she was tending towards pear-shaped.’


    go pear-shaped
    British informal
    • Go wrong.

      • ‘everything went pear-shaped’
      • ‘The home player should have won the opening game but as so often happens to their team this season, everything went pear-shaped at the end.’
      • ‘This required some input from me and everything started to go pear-shaped.’
      • ‘After 25 minutes, all went pear-shaped and he decided to call it off.’
      • ‘All our lives went off at a tangent for a while - it all went pear-shaped.’
      • ‘And then the tennis started and it all went pear-shaped.’
      • ‘By the time it all went pear-shaped in 1991, I was long gone.’
      • ‘It all went pear-shaped when she developed a £100,000 cocaine habit and was eased out by the writers.’
      • ‘Presumably this was an undercover operation that went pear-shaped.’
      • ‘The responsibility of course would also be all mine if it went pear-shaped.’
      • ‘It could have gone pear-shaped when we went a goal down but they stuck with us all the way.’