Meaning of common thread in English:

common thread


  • A theme or characteristic found in various stories or situations.

    ‘a common thread through most of the stories is the support from the family’
    • ‘A lack of accountability to the people is the common thread between them.’
    • ‘The blatant lack of cooperation only complicated the inexperienced Cabinet's ability to devise a common thread of economic policymaking.’
    • ‘We found a focus where we identified common threads.’
    • ‘History is whole - he is unable to excommunicate himself from the common thread.’
    • ‘I don't find any scriptural authority for finding common thread.’
    • ‘Stories from all kinds of different cultures have common threads running through them.’
    • ‘Families are working with investigators to find any common threads in the women's lives.’
    • ‘Civil rights groups are still searching for a common thread to unite progressives in a struggle for racial justice.’
    • ‘A common thread across all 3 cities was disproportionate praise.’
    • ‘The common thread in most of the cases: bioscience gone evil.’