日本語放送 JSTV




  NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limitedは、本年10月末日をもって日本語放送「JSTV」のサービス終了を決めましたことを、ここにお知らせいたします。





9月10月は、衛星放送、インターネット放送ともにJSTV1はNHK ワールド・プレミアムを欧州現地時間に合わせたプラス8時間放送(8時間遅らせて放送)とし、JSTV2は、これまで通りNHK ワールド・プレミアムを日本時間と同時に放送します 。
衛星放送 請求書払い 2023年9月末までのご請求、ご視聴は10月末まで可能
カード払い 最終引落しは9月、ご視聴は10月末まで可能
インターネット放送 カード払い 最終引落しは9月、ご視聴は10月末まで可能
A:紙の番組ガイドの発行はいたしませんが、NHK ワールド・プレミアムと同じ番組内容になりますので、ウェブサイトにてご確認いただくことになります。

A:NHKワールド・プレミアムのウェブサイトをご確認下さい。 JSTVでは情報を持ち合わせておりませんので、詳しくはNHKにお問い合わせください。

Q:JSTVの後の日本語放送もNHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limitedが運営に関わるのですか。
A:NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limitedは放送事業を終了しますのでJSTVの後の日本語放送に関わることはありません。


Notice of the termination of the Japanese television service JSTV

Updates: 01 September 2023

NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limited hereby announces that it has decided to cease its Japanese television service JSTV at the end of October 2023.

For more than 30 years, JSTV has been broadcasting and distributing Japanese television programmes (JSTV 1 and 2) 24 hours a day in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and North Africa as a Japanese-language satellite broadcaster.

However, due to a decline in the number of subscribing households and changes in the environment surrounding broadcasting, it has become increasingly difficult to sustain the service commercially and the Company has therefore decided to cease broadcasting and distribution services at the end of October this year. Prior to this, for a period of two months from September, there will be no commercial TV programmes on JSTV, i.e. all programmes will be provided by NHK.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who have supported and patronised JSTV over the years.

NHK is discussing and preparing ways to provide Japanese-language programmes that will be available in the covered regions via CATV and online after the JSTV service closes down. Please check the NHK World Premium website for the details.

For more information, please contact the following NHK office directly:
NHK contact form: https://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/css/mailform_e/mail_form_e.cgi

Frequently Asked Questions on service termination
Q:What is the cancellation procedure when the broadcast ends? If I want to continue watching until the end of the broadcast, do I need to follow the cancellation procedure?
A:If you wish to continue watching JSTV until the end of the broadcast on 31 October, you do not need to cancel your subscription. Your subscription will be automatically cancelled at the end of October 2023. The subscription fee will not be charged in October. You can watch JSTV until the end of the broadcast once you make the payment of the subscription fee in September. If you wish to cancel before 30 September, you will need to submit a cancellation form.
Q:What will the JSTV channels and programme content be like in September and October?
A:There is no commercial TV programmes nor re-arrangement of NHK World Premium's programmes on JSTV1 from 1st September.
For both satellite and internet broadcasts in September and October: JSTV1 broadcasts NHK World Premium with a delay of 8 hours line with local European time. JSTV2 continues to broadcast NHK World Premium at the same time as NHK World Premium in Japan time.
Q:Please explain the subscription fees for September and October.
A:The billing according to the respective payment method is as follows.
(*For corporate subscriptions, please contact our sales team).
Invoice payment Billing until the end of September 2023;
Subscription valid until the end of October
Card Payment Last payment in September;
Subscription valid until the end of October.
Card Payment Last payment in September;
Subscription valid until the end of October.
*No payment in October.
Q:When will the JSTV Customer Service be closed?
A:JSTV customer service will be available until 15th of November after the broadcast ends at the end of October.
Q:After JSTV services end, will personal customer information such as addresses and telephone numbers be deleted or how will it be handled?
A:Your personal data that NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limited holds will be erased as soon as possible after JSTV's broadcast ends, in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Every precaution will be taken to prevent unauthorised use.
Q:Do I need to return lease satellite broadcasting equipment and viewing cards?
A:Satellite decoders and viewing cards on loan from JSTV do not need to be returned. Please dispose of them in the manner specified by your local authority. This applies to the customers who cancel the subscription before the end of JSTV service, as well.
Q:Do I need to return Amino STB?
A:There is no need to return Amino STBs. Please dispose of them in the manner specified by your local authority.
Q:When will I get paper JSTV TV program guides until?
A:The last JSTV TV program guide was the August issue, which had been sent out in late July.
Q:What happens to the JSTV TV program guide for September/October?
A:No paper JSTV TV program guide is published, but the programme content is the same as that of NHK World Premium, please check their website.

Please check here for how to check the programme schedule.
Q:Will there be another Japanese television service after the JSTV service closes down? How can I watch it?
A:Please check the NHK World Premium website.
The information about another Japanese television service has not been provided to us, therefore, please contact the following NHK office directly for more information:

NHK contact form: https://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/css/mailform_e/mail_form_e.cgi
Q:Will NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limited be involved in the management of the Japanese-language broadcasts after the JSTV service closes down?
A:NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limited ceases its broadcasting business and will not be involved in Japanese television service after the JSTV service closes down.

日本語衛星放送 JSTV
2023 NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limited. All rights Reserved.
NHK Cosmomedia (Europe) Limited. is registered in England and Wales (company no.2441293).
Registered office: 24 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AJ, UK