Professor David Thouless 1934-2019

Professor David Thouless

The College is very sorry to announce the death of Professor David Thouless FRS, Honorary Fellow. Professor Thouless studied Physics at Trinity Hall as an undergraduate from 1952, before taking his doctorate at Cornell University under the celebrated nuclear physicist Hans Bethe. David held positions at Berkeley, Cambridge, Birmingham and Yale, before finally becoming Professor of Physics at the University of Washington in Seattle in 1980. His many awards include the Wolf Prize in 1990, the Paul Dirac Medal in 1993 and the Lars Onsager Prize in 2000. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2016, along with F Duncan, M Haldane and J Michael Kosterlitz, for his work on topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter. He and his wife Margaret returned to live in Cambridge in 2014; in the same year he was elected an Honorary Fellow. The College extends its condolences to Margaret and their three children.