Publications in Dickinson's Lifetime

Publications in Dickinson's Lifetime (one letter and ten poems)

Below is a list of poems known to have been published during Dickinson's lifetime.  Scholars believe that Dickinson did not authorize any of these publications.  All poems were published without attribution.

“Magnum bonum, harem scarum”
A valentine letter published in Amherst College Indicator, February (L34)
“ ‘Sic transit gloria mundi,’ ”
Published in Springfield Daily Republican (February 20)
Titled “A Valentine”
"Nobody knows this little rose - "
First published Springfield Daily Republican (August 2)
Titled “To Mrs -, with a Rose.”
“I taste a liquor never brewed- ”
First published Springfield Daily Republican (May 4)
Titled “The May-Wine”
"Safe in their Alabaster Chambers - ”
First published in Springfield Daily Republican (March 1)
Titled “The Sleeping”
"Blazing in Gold, and quenching in Purple”
First published in Drum Beat, Brooklyn, NY (February 29)
Titled “Sunset”
"Flowers-Well- if anybody”
First published in Drum Beat, Brooklyn, NY (March 2)
Titled “Flowers”
"These are the days when Birds come back- ”
First published in Drum Beat, Brooklyn, NY (March 11)
Titled “October”
"Some keep the Sabbath going to Church- ”
First published in Round Table, New York (March 12)
Titled “My Sabbath”
“Success is counted sweetest”
First published in Brooklyn Daily Union (April 27, untitled)
"A narrow Fellow in the Grass”
First published in Springfield Daily Republican (February 14)
Titled “The Snake”
"Success is counted sweetest” (only known publication in a book)
Published in A Masque of Poets (Boston: Roberts Bros.)