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A terrifying psychological horror game inspired by the developer's battle with mental illness. Explore nightmares! Branching narrative!
A terrifying psychological horror game inspired by the developer's battle with mental illness. Explore nightmares! Branching narrative!
A terrifying psychological horror game inspired by the developer's battle with mental illness. Explore nightmares! Branching narrative!
3,608 backers pledged $106,722 to help bring this project to life.

Developer Diary - 39: Working with Matt

Hi everyone, Matt is currently at GDC China giving his talk on OCD and game development (If you haven’t seen it you can find it here), so he asked me to post an update. First things first - I’m Joe Grabowski the lead artist on Neverending Nightmares. I’m responsible for making sure the other two artists are working on what we need and the art looks how we want. I also did all the animations along with level design as well as any additional art tasks that slip through the cracks. In my first developer diary I talk about what it’s like working with Matt.

 I first started working with Matt in 2010. I was the principle artist on Retro/Grade. I ended up being responsible for about 95% of the final art for the game including models, textures, level layouts, set dressing, and animation. Matt is very easy to work with. He is quick to give feedback and is always willing to take suggestions. Though he may not agree with them, he will give a clear reason why, and over the years, I’ve managed to get a couple ideas approved by him both on Retro/Grade and Neverending Nightmares. As I mentioned in the video Matt, does show his OCD from time to time in development. Whether that’s him nitpicking or when an asset goes through several iterations instead of saying it looks good or “I love it!” he will just say, “I’ve stopped caring.” which I’ve learned is Matt talk for this looks good.

I have another update planned going into more detail about the development of the game from the art side.

As I know Matt has already said this often, but thank you for backing this project and for your continued support! The whole team appreciates it!

- Joe Grabowski


    1. Eric Jankowski on September 28, 2013

      Ha, that "I've stopped caring" anecdote is priceless. Matt and I lived together in college and I could totally see him saying that while shaking his head and making a dismissive motion with his hand. Thanks for sharing, and good luck!! You guys are almost there!

    2. Paul Thacker on September 16, 2013

      Yeah, I'd be interested in hearing some more art-focused dev diaries. Maybe the team could talk more about combining the hand-drawn art with sophisticated lighting effects.

    3. Missing avatar

      Revisor on September 16, 2013

      Nice to meet you, sir. It's good to hear that you've worked together for 3 years already and even released a game despite all those hardships Matt talks about in his presentation. Your new approach sounds practical.

      I'm looking forward to what you guys have in mind for NN.