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Queen's University

Canadian English: A Linguistic Reader


The Strathy Language Unit is pleased to announce the release of its latest publication-Canadian English: A Linguistic Reader. This collection, edited by Elaine Gold and Janice McAlpine and issued as Strathy Occasional Papers Number 6, is an electronic book intended for the Canadian public and beginning linguistics students. It is freely downloadable from the Strathy Language Unit website:

Topics covered include Canadian "demolinguistics" and dialect formation; the name Canada; English vocabulary peculiar to Canada; the sounds of Canadian English (Canadian accents), eh? and Canadians; Irish influences in Newfoundland and Ontario; the Black Loyalists of Nova Scotia and the speech of their descendants; regional dialects in Quebec and Newfoundland; the "Babel" of western Canada (Prince Rupert's Land) in the 18th and 19th centuries; and contemporary First Nations dialects of English.

Note: a new, improved Strathy Language Unit website is coming soon, and the URLs or web addresses of our electronic publications will likely change. However, these publications will be easy to find on the new site.

Kingston, Ontario, Canada. K7L 3N6. 613.533.2000