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Special Operations and Counterterrorist Forces

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Aktionsstyrken (AKS) on a training-mission (Source: TV2)


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Danish SOF and Greenpeace - January 2001



JaegerKorpset (Ranger Corps)

The JaegerKorpset handles all CT duties for Denmark. The unit strength is approximately 70-80 men and is based at Aalborg Air Base. All members are skilled in patrolling, demolitions, parachuting, climbing, and combat swimming.

JaegerKorpset - SpecWarNet

FroemandsKorpset - Royal Danish Navy Combat Swimmers

This Danish counterterrorist unit is similar in form and function to the U.S. Navy’s SEAL teams. This organization has a small team who specialize in maritime CT operations, especially for the protection of the oil rigs in the Danish portion of the North Sea. It is doubtful the CT element is much beyond 50 personnel, operating in 6 man teams. Froemandskorpset has recently attracted some attention in the public, as H.R.H. Crownprince Frederik, without special privileges during the rigorous training, achieved frogman status.

Fromandskorpset - the Danish Navy SEALs - an unofficial homepage


Hjemmevaernets Patruljer - The Homeguard Patrols (LRRP; Homeguard)


Slaedepatruljen Sirius - The Sledgepatrol Sirius (Arctic LRRP; Navy)

This very special unit maintains a permanent military presence in the arctic regions of North/Northeast Greenland. It's origins can be traced back to the WWII experience with "Operation Resolute", where a guerilla-force of hunters tracked and eliminated German meteorological stations. These stations would have provided vital weather forecasts to the German air force and navy. 
In its present form, Sirius is based on small two man patrols with a dog sledge and 11 dogs. The service time is 25 months without any leave and the only outside contact, besides by radio, is the annual supply ship. The main patrolling activity is carried out in the 4 month winter period, where wind speeds of 100 knots or temperatures below -40 can occur. Under these conditions, the patrols must cover several thousand kilometers to complete their designated routes. This objective can only be achieved by using dogsleds, as snowmobiles would be noisy, require vast amounts of fuel, break down and be unable to warn against polar bears.  Ultimately: You can't eat a snowmobile in a survival situation! 
The weapons carried also reflect the harsh conditions. Only bolt-action rifles (M17/M53) performs reliably. The standard SIG210 Neuhausen sidearm was recently replaced by the 10mm Glock 20, as the stopping power of multiple 9mm rounds proved to be insufficient against a polar bear. The members are recruited from the regular services and must be sergeants at least. They may not be married or otherwise engaged and the selection procedure stresses the psychological evaluation of their personality. Of course, they must also achieve top marks at the NATO Arctic Warfare School in Norway.

Unofficial Sirius Home Page


National Guard Patrol Units / Army Reserve LRRP-units

Specielle Efterrretningspatruljer - It is a Army Reserve LRRP-unit which consists of volunteers with a highly professional attitude, and they crosstrain with their British equivalent the 21 & 23 SAS (TA) and the Regular Danish SF units. SEP/ELK has recently changed name into: Patruljekompagni / ELK (Patrol Coy / Country-Command East)

Patruljekompagniet / ELK


Intelligence Services

A note regarding the Intelligence Services. In Denmark there are two distinct intelligence services - PET and FE. PET is not a CT-unit. The counter-terror capabilities lies primarily with Aktionsstyrken in cooperation with Jaegerkorpset and Froemandskorpset, while PET and FE handles the preventive anti-terror work. Additionally, In event of a NBC accident or terrorist attack, the first responders would be Beredskabsstyrelsen - The Danish Emergency Management Agency


Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET) - Danish Police Intelligence Unit

The PET is primarily concerned with major criminal actions, such as terrorism, Organized Crime (e.g. the recent
Biker-War between Hells Angels and Banditos). PET answers to the ministry of justice and is concerned with internal security in Denmark. Main duties involves the prevention and countering of terrorism, espionage, extremism, organized crime and proliferation of WMD. It is a part of the state police and the staff consists of police officers and additional civil servants in the required specialist positions.


akgifny.gif (63487 bytes) AKS (Aktionsstyrken or Action Force)

Above photo: (Source: TV2)

This is a SWAT unit of the National Police trained in hostage rescue techniques. They are approximately 70 strong, broken down into 8 man assault units. In their Special Training Section, they have EOD and snipers to support the assault units. The teams are interesting in composition with a leader, assistant leader, two demo/EOD, two snipers, and two firefighters. PET, whose membership comes primarily from the State Police Intelligence Service, has received training from the British and Germans. The police who are members are scattered around the nation but are expected to respond within an hour. The PET should not be considered at CT unit, but is included here due to the fact that they would likely be the first hostage rescue-qualified unit to respond to a terrorist incident. They would also provide secondary, perimeter security for any ensuing JaegerKorpset operation. Note: 99% of all AKS action is about taking criminals out - and even though they are highly trained as a CT unit - peace-time Denmark has few real terrorist-related cases. AKS cross-train with The Army elite-unit
Jaegerkorpset which are rumored to have participated in Police SWAT operations. As with the British SAS - the Army will only act within the jurisdiction of the Police.


Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE) - The Defence Intelligence Service

FE is the intelligence service sorting under the ministry of defense. It is responsible for maintaining an international awareness and carry out the threat assessments concerning the Danish military system. A staff of military officers and civil servants.


Beredskabsstyrelsen (BRS) - The Danish Emergency Management Agency

BRS is an agency administrated by the ministry of the interior. It is responsible for disaster management in peacetime, during limited crisis and in war. It is organized and equipped to deal with containment and neutralization af NBC accidents as well as natural disasters and pollution. A key element in this ability lies in the distribution of a nationwide electronic warning system reaching 80% of the population directly by sirens. As an alternative to military service, Danish conscripts may choose to do their turn in BRS. 




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